25: Michaela

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Something was taking over me. Something was making me feel evil and dark. I didn't know what it was, but when I glanced at my reflection, my hair was completely black, my eyes were ocean blue, and there was a pair of black angel wings behind me.

"Michaela!" Lucas shouted. "You could've killed me!"

He was right. But he deserved it. Even if that did come out really mean, he still shouldn't have been looking at my memories. I wanted to tell him the truth, but the darkness that was taking over my body wouldn't allow it. Instead, I just kept shooting more black balls of fire at Lucas.

He dodged them all, but when I stopped attacking him, he sprinted over to me, put both of his hands on my shoulders, and demanded, "Michaela! Snap out of it! This isn't like you at all!"

That didn't stop me. I drove my knee into his head and pushed him down before I spread my wings and flew to a corner of the ceiling.

Lucas sat up, moved his hand up, and dragged me to him without laying a single finger on me. I kept my fists close by my face while I was curled up in a ball on the floor. Sometimes, he would have to block my punches, and sometimes, I would have to dodge his attacks.

It was only a matter of time before we started wrestling each other across the entire room, occasionally crashing into desks while we fought. I didn't care that I was fighting my own father. I didn't care that I was strong enough to kill him. In fact, I wasn't even sure that I was really fighting my father- for all I knew, I could've been fighting Bill.

"Michaela, come to your senses! This isn't who you are!" Lucas insisted.

"You don't have any idea who I am, you cruel demon!" I retorted while gritting my teeth.

"Michaela, I'm not a demon!"

"Oh, really? You're the reason why I don't have a mother! You're the reason why my father can't even remember me! You're the reason why I can't be a normal teenage girl! You've taken everything from me that I love dearly, and instead of giving it back, you dangled it in my face and taunted me with it!"

I grabbed the collar of Lucas's shirt and bellowed with tears stinging in my eyes, "Even if you can't bring my mother back, I'm begging you, Bill Cipher- GIVE ME BACK MY FATHER!!"


Lucas smacked my hand away from the collar of his shirt and slammed me up against the wall. "For once, why can't you just open your mouth and tell me what you're really thinking?! I trust you more than anybody else in the world, yet you still treat me like a demon! What are you hiding from me? When will you come to your senses? WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF ME?!"

I took a few seconds to catch my breath. Then, with a heavy heart, I hissed, "You would never believe me if I told you the truth."

"I don't care! I need answers!" Lucas pleaded.

Without even thinking about it, I put my wings and arms around him and gave him a tight hug. "I bet you hate me right now," I whispered.

"That's not true, Michaela," Lucas replied.

"Well, you should hate me. All I've ever said to you was a lie, and I'm too scared to tell you the truth." I muttered.

I let go of Lucas and ran to the door. Before I opened it, however, I knew I was tramsforming back to my original form. Lucas stared at me in awe and said, "The Celestial Sorceress...in her Dark form...Makenna Arielle Powers...Maylene..."

What was he talking about?

"No...it can't be...Michaela, is this what you've been hiding from me? You're the Celestial Sorceress?"

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