14: Lucas

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Digital Fanart by Duhgaminghamster, original picture by me. 😊😊😊😊😊

During the first day of physical training, I learned a lot of things, and some of those things had nothing to do with what was being taught. I learned that Devon and Axel were practically twin brothers when it came to fighting with fire. I learned that even though Holden Landcaster was a Coldscaper, Reagan could easily take him down.

I also learned that you had to be resourceful when fighting with fire. For instance, if you were standing near a lake, and someone was throwing a fireball at you, you could do one of two things; you could either jump into the lake and hide from the fireball, or you could create a shield made of water.

Magnus suggested that I shouldn't jump into a lake for awhile, only because Stella and Nathan had told him what happened to me when I transformed. I didn't know what it would take for me to become a fully trained Trinityscaper, and neither did Magnus. But at least I would have a head start.

The sun was starting to set, and Chloe said that once the sky got darker, she and Magnus would stop by to check our progress on our training. Devon, Axel, Reagan, and Holden had already been inspected by Chloe and Magnus, but now they were moving on to Tiffany and Jared.

I'd always known that Tiffany and Jared couldn't get along, but after watching them fight with fire, I realized that calling them enemies was an understatement. Jared did not go easy on Tiffany, and their fight ended in his favor. I thought that Jared would be satisfied with this. But he wasn't.

Jared grabbed Tiffany by the collar of her shirt and aggressively shoved her up against the wall. "Stella said that you were one of the strongest Mindscapers of your generation," Jared bellowed, "and you couldn't even beat me! You made her look like a fool! But most importantly, you made yourself look like a fool."

Tiffany shrank up against the wall, startled and confused by what Jared was saying to her. "You disappoint me too easily, Tiffany Gleeful. I can't even imagine how much you disappoint yourself, you weakling." Jared continued.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Stephanie cried out.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to teach this brat a lesson!" Jared shot back.

"That's my job, Jared. Let go of the girl, and I'll deal with her myself. You just do what you do." Samantha commanded.

"Which is...?" Jared sneered.

"Go take a break. Train by yourself in that small room over there. Get a glass of water. I don't really care! Just don't associate with Tiffany anymore this evening, do you understand me?" Samantha asked Jared with a hint of exhaustion in her tone.

"Gee, I wonder who died and made you the boss of me." Jared murmured.

"Annabelle Powers, that's who." Samantha replied with confidence. I could've sworn I'd heard Michaela growl at that.

"You didn't have to say that," Michaela mumbled under her breath with her arms crossed.

Jared slowly walked away without saying a word. Samantha rolled her eyes and began to help out Tiffany for awhile. I guess I lost focus on my partner, because Nathan almost knocked me out after a few seconds.

"Lucas!" Nathan said.

"Sorry, what were you saying, Nathan?" I asked.

"I almost knocked you out. Try to pay a little more attention to me." Nathan said with a hint of impatience in his tone.

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