19: Michaela

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A/N: Okay, so I know I probably should've mentioned this in the last chapter, but I guess I was too excited and I wasn't thinking straight and...who knows what happened to me...ANYWAYS, I just want to thank you guys for helping me reach over 1,000 views on this book. I never thought that my books would ever become this popular, but as I'm looking at all the views my stories have collected over the past...well, less that one year that I've been writing stories on Wattpad, I realize that I was wrong- 9 out of the 14 books that I've written on Wattpad have reached over 1,000 views (including this one), and even though there are some books that I plan to remove soon, I'm happy that most of my books have hit so many views. I mean it.

Also, thank you angereddipper for the lovely fanart of Michaela and Nolan that has been pictured above- I hope that the rest of you like it as much as I do!

Okay, I'm just gonna stop talking and let you read this chapter now.


Samantha walked up to Lucas and I with a friendly smile on her face and her arms crossed, almost as if she was trying to be calm. "Michaela and Lucas Powers, you two will be training in Room 271- it's literally right next door, so if you ask me where it is, I will not be pleased with you." Samantha said, pointing to the door that led to Room 271.

"Uh, where's Room 271 again?" Lucas teased Samantha, which made us both crack up once Samantha gave Lucas the death glare.

"Ha ha, very funny, Powers. Now why don't you move along? I'm sure you're absolutely eager to start training each other." Samantha sneered with a scowl on her face.

"Oh, I'm totally ready to recover my father's memory. Or at least that's what I'm going to try to do." I thought.

Lucas and I made our way to Room 271, which almost seemed like the lab back in the American Dreamscaper Society. It was very dark and chilly, and there were many computers and machines scattered around the room. There were many drawings of the DeCipher Wheel taped to the walls, and some of them were touched up with an inky red substance- whether it was blood or ink, I could not tell.

At the end of the room, there was a giant TV screen that had a weird-looking beige helmet attached to it. There were a few computers on a nearby table, and one of the computers had a small note taped to the monitor. Lucas read the note out loud. "To be used for mental training and hallucinations only."

"So...how do we use this machine exactly?" I asked Lucas.

"Well, I heard that we have to inject a vaccine into our necks that will put us to sleep and give us a hallucination of our worst nightmares. The partner who doesn't take the vaccine has to watch the other person by looking at the computer screen and observing what they're doing in their hallucinations through it. At least that's what we're doing today. I heard tomorrow would be different, though." Lucas replied.

"Okay, but where are the vaccines?" I inquired.

"Check the white cabinet over there," Lucas pointed to a white cabinet in the left-hand corner of the room. I opened it and found a huge basket of vaccines, but I onky pulled out the one that read, "For mental training only".

"I think I can safely say that this is the vaccine we need," I stated.

"I think you're right, Michaela. So, who's going to go first?" Lucas inquired.

Nobody spoke.

"Rock-paper-scissors," I said, "whoever wins two out of three gets to look at the computer first."

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