Chapter 3

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*Andy's P.O.V*

            "She is what?" My father asked. I shied back a little. I knew what he was capable to do; after all, he taught me how to fight. My father looked between me and Jess. She blushed slightly and looked down at her feet. There was nothing more that I wanted to do other than comfort her right now. "Andy, what have you done? Her mother is going to go on a killing spree!" He said. We wasn't angry exactly, he was more worried and shocked. I opened my mouth to speak, but then closed it, settling for a shake of my head. I was speechless and I had no idea what I should say anyway. He looked towards me. "You better take care of her." He said. I nodded once. He ruffled the back of his hair, then left. I ran over towards Jess.

            "Babe, I'm so sorry. You know I'll always be here for you, yeah?" I asked her, pulling her into my chest. She was shaking and it was at that point, I realised how life changing this would be for us. I felt wetness soaking me shirt and realised she was crying. Hugging her tighter into me, I kissed the top of her head. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm always going to be here by your side. This is going to be a good thing." I said softly. She started shaking harder. I hugged her close, ignoring the rest of the world, focussing my all on her. "I promise."


            "Andy and company, come down for dinner." A housekeeper asked us. I nodded and smiled in thank you, sitting up. Jess was sleeping next to me, breathing softly. I smiled down at her before kissing her forehead gently. Her hand found mine as she started waking up. I looked down as her fingers brushed over my own. Bending down, I kissed her lips softly and her eyes opened ever so slowly.

            "Hi Andy." She whispered when I pulled back. I smiled lovingly at her before picking her up bridal style. She started giggling, making me smile too. "Where are we going?" She asked, still smiling. I looked down and kissed her, smiling into her lips.

            "It's dinner time." I mumbled. She nodded and lay content in my arms. She was light, I had no problem carrying her. Her head rested against my chest and she looked up at my face, smiling. "What?" I asked, amused. She shrugged.

            "You're handsome." She said simply. "Oh, and thank you for before; this isn't going to be so bad. Isn't it?" She said, still smiling. I was glad she had improved from her earlier state. It broke my heart before, knowing I couldn't do much to help. I shook my head. This was going to be the best thing that happened to the both of us.

            "Oh and thanks, but honestly, I look similar to a car wreck compared to you." I said, making her giggle. "You're beautiful babe." I whispered, looking down into her eyes. She grinned. She reached up, playing with the ends of my hair.

            "I love you." She said and I looked down at her, still walking.

            "I love you too." I responded. She rested her head on my chest once again as I carried her down the corridors and down the stairs. Usually I would be able to go MUCH faster, but I didn't want to alarm her; especially now.

            I eventually made it to the first floor where the dining room and kitchens are. My father had gone all out and had desserts, massive plates of food, bread rolls, nearly everything. I looked at it all and wondered 'how the FUCK are we going to eat that', before my dad walked in. "Andy, we're having Jess's family and Ella and your siblings over for dinner. You are going to tell them tonight. How long has she been... pregnant?" Dad asked. It was obvious he wasn't sure on the idea, but I knew he would still accept the facts. He always would. I nodded. "You two look cute together by the way. Reminds me of your mum and I back in the day..." He reminisced. I nodded and smiled, looking down at Jess. She raised her head from my chest, looked up and smiled back at me.

            "I'll tell them if it's alright with Jess." I stated. My father nodded in acceptance. He knew it was all about the girl in times like this. I continued, "It's been about 2 months though, why?" I asked. He looked down. "What?" I asked, getting worried.

            "You know that this kid could be a vampire child?" He asked. I nodded. Of course that thought had gone through my mind. "Well, this pregnancy could be shorter than normal human length; usually around five months. Although it could still be human, so don't get worried if she's not getting bigger just yet." He said. He knew out of experience so I trusted him. I would always trust my father though; he taught me everything I knew.

            "Okay, thanks dad." I looked down at Jess, who was looking up at me with worried eyes. I bounced her in my arms a bit and she cracked a smile. "Don't worry Hun; I'll take care of you." I said and kissed her forehead. I let her down and she stumbled a bit. I caught her around her waist and she looked at me and giggled.

            "Thanks," she said, "When's my family coming?" She asked my dad. She looked quite shy and I think he noticed.

            "In about 15 minutes, I think." He said, looking down at his phone. He looked up and nodded, confirming. Jess turned back to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me in for a hug. I chuckled and hugged her back. I pulled her in closer and that's when I noticed her stomach pushing up against my chest. I gasped in awe. I instantly bent down and kissed her lips passionately. At first she looked taken back, but she eventually kissed just as passionately back. When I pulled away to allow her to breathe, she looked up into my eyes.

            "What was that for?" She asked breathless. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the hall where we were alone. She looked up at me when I stopped and looked down at her. I felt so emotional at that moment. This amazing girl in front of me was carrying my kid. How could I not? My hands went straight to her waist, before moving down to the hem of her shirt. She looked up at me with uncertainty.

            "Can I?" I asked. She nodded, instantly knowing what I wanted to do. I lifted her shirt up to just under her bra and ran my fingertips over her pale skin. There was obviously a small bump there. I looked back up at her with a small smile on my face. "How long has that been there?" I asked her softly, still in a trance by the fact that my kid was growing right in front of me.

            "I noticed it about two weeks ago. That's when I told you. I just... Didn't want it to be true at the start, but seeing your reaction now; I want this." She said in a small voice. I looked up to her eyes to see she was giving me a small smile. Smiling back, I kissed her cheek softly. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, burying her head in my neck. I kissed her hair before she pulled back. "I'm really curious. Do you think it will be a girl or a boy?" She asked my in her small voice. I shrugged.

            "Honestly, I wouldn't care; either one. He or she will be perfect either way." I said and she smiled. Bending down, I kissed her stomach softly, just above her belly button. She giggled before kissing my lips as I stood back up. My hair fell in front of my face on the way back up and she brushed it out of the way, giggling.

            "Fix your hair," she mumbled giggling. Her pale fingers brushed against the bottoms of my black hair. She looked mesmerized as she played with my hair. The loud doorbell broke her concentration and she looked back into my eyes. "Oh... uh... sorry," she said shyly. I chuckled and kissed her forehead before my father called us back into the living room.

            "No worries babe." I said with a smile. "Let's go and hopefully tell our parents and siblings." I said bluntly. She nodded, shook her hands about to relieve tension before I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into the lobby to greet our families.

~ Jess


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