Chapter 10

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*Andy’s P.O.V*

            “FUCK!” I swore loudly. Putting up baby furniture is harder than I originally thought it was, even for someone like me. I chucked the screwdriver on the wooden floorboards, leaving a small mark but nothing too noticeable. Jess giggled from the bed next to me as I struggled. I looked up at her with a small smirk. “Are you really laughing at me?” I asked her and she nodded, breaking into a laughing fit again. Her stomach had grown quite big over the past month and we decided that we should probably start putting up the furniture to be prepared. We knew she was close by this point. She claimed she could feel it to.

            “When you finish that, can I have a massage? My back is aching.” Jess whimpered from the bed. I looked up to her and nodded. Her requests for massages have gotten more frequent as well as her waking up multiple times every night to piss. I felt bad for her. After all, I did have half the blame on my shoulders for this… well a bit more than half actually.

            “Sure babe. I’ll just finish screwing this bolt and I’ll be up in a sec” I told her and she smiled thankfully. I felt terrible making her suffer like this but there was obviously nothing I could do.

            Focussing back on putting up the baby’s cot, I heard Jess shifting on the bed before Escape The Fate began playing through the speakers. I loved how devoted she was to that band. They were her favourite by far. She had told me once, she wanted this band to be played continuously while she was in labour, and who was I to deny that. Her playing that band brought up a thought. “Hey babe, I was thinking… I want to start a band. Nothing too serious just yet… But I have kind of wanted to play music all my life.” I said and she nodded.

            “I know you’ve always wanted to play music. Remember? I was your best friend back then! I honestly really think you should do it. I could ask a few of my friends if they know anyone that plays anything for you?” She offered and I nodded. That would honestly be awesome.

            I finished screwing the last bit into the cot and turned towards her, standing up. “I finished.” I stated and she giggled, reaching over to pull on my hand. “By the way, Kie and Mari wanted to spend the night with us one night soon… Is that alright?” I asked her and she nodded eagerly. I knew she got along well with Mari.

            “Yeah, could they come over tomorrow night? I’m just scared the baby’s going to come one night and I’d prefer if they came over sooner rather than later.” She stated. I couldn’t pretend to understand what she is going through. I never would be able to, but I believed her when she said she knew the baby was going to come soon.

            “They can come whenever! Could you call them?” I asked, sitting down on the bed, pulling her closer. She sat on the bed with her back to me and I started rubbing at her shoulders. She rolled her neck and arched her back.

            “I’ll call them. Can you please pass me my phone?” She asked and I nodded, giving her the small object. I moved onto her back, kneading small circles into the muscles. She moaned as she typed in the numbers of Mari and Kie’s number. “Hi Mari! Andy and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night?’ Pause. “Yeah sure!” Pause. “Bring whatever you want!” Pause. “I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Pause. “Ok, goodnight!” She said as she hung up.

            “That was quick!” I exclaimed and she just giggled and nodded.

            “That’s what she said.” Jess said and giggled. I looked at her playfully with my mouth wide open in mock surprise. She giggled harder as I massaged my shoulders. She reached over, leaning on her knees to put her phone back on the bedside table when I reached over and pinched her bum playfully. She gave a yelp and looked back at me with the same surprised look I gave her earlier. I chuckled and she smiled. “You’ve gotten noticeably cheekier.” She observed. I nodded.

            “Maybe a little bit. You can’t blame me though; I’m getting desperate for a quick fuck.” I said and she gasped. She crawled over to me, purposely sticking her ass and boobs out and I groaned. She giggled and when she reached me, she placed a delicate kiss on my lips.

            “Thank you for staying faithful then.” She said quietly and I pulled her face closer to deepen the kiss.

            “Babe, I would NEVER cheat. Why do you thank me? It’s something that you shouldn’t have to be thankful of because it is a necessity. I love you with all my heart, so don’t think otherwise.” I told her when we broke apart and she nodded but looked down slightly.

            “No Andy, I know that things aren’t the best with our sex life at the moment, but when this kid eventually comes, we’ll go at it like rabbits.” She said and to say I was shocked was an understatement. She must have been just as desperate as I was or something, because the way she said that didn’t sound much like her normal shy-ish self.

            “Are you okay?” I asked her with a laugh. I was afraid she wouldn’t understand what I meant, but she understood that I meant her new-found confidence. She nodded in reply and giggled a little bit.

            “I’m fine Andy, I’m just a bit… well a lot more, confident with all this sexual stuff I guess. Plus, my hormones are going crazy.” She said with a smile. I grinned and kissed her softly.

            “I love you. With all my heart.” I told her and she blushed.

            “I love you too Andy.”


*Jess’s P.O.V*

            I woke up the next morning with a sore back, shoulders and brain. It felt like my head was imploding so violently that I just wanted to die. I groaned as I got out of bed and heaped for the bathroom. When I got there, I took two tablets from the box in the first draw and swallowed them before putting my head under the tap and drinking down gulps of water. I felt like shit.

            When I walked back out to the bedroom, Andy was fast asleep; not moving at all. I groaned once again before making my way slowly down the small hall and into the kitchen. I put two pieces of bread into the toaster and waited for about thirty seconds. When I heard footsteps coming from the hall, I turned to see my shirtless boyfriend tiredly rubbing his eyes. I smiled as much as I could, in the state I was in. He walked slowly up to me and embraced me in a hug. Hugging him back, he whispered something in my ear.

            “Are you ready for today?”

A/N: I'm so sorry for the short and shitty chapter! This is absolutely terrible but I had to put something up! I''m not feeling the best emotionally at the moment so stay with me, I just need some time :) Also, I really need some feedback on the whole story. What am I lacking? I know this chapter was shit, but I just want to know what you guys think! Comment below!

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