Chapter 12

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“Hi… Nurse? My girlfriend’s pregnant and in labour; should I carry her in?” I asked frantically at the front desk. The lady must have noticed my stress levels were high and shook her head standing up. As soon as she stood up from the help desk, another nurse sat down in her chair.

            “I’m going to send a doctor with a wheelchair out to get her. Is someone out there with her now?” She asked and I nodded again.

            “Of course…” I said as if it was the obvious thing in the world. I noticed that it could have sounded a little mean and really, this nurse was being extremely nice. She probably experienced stressing partners of pregnant girlfriends all the time. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a dick…” I said and she laughed slightly.

            “It’s fine! Happens all the time! I’m just going to get a doctor. I’ll be right out to get her.” She said, handing me a clipboard. “Fill out this paperwork with your name, her name and both your details. What can you tell me quickly about the car?” She asked, walking backwards into sliding doors.

            “It’s right out the front. Can’t miss it.” I replied as I picked up a pen from the desk and began writing down my info. I wouldn’t be surprised if I got every second detail wrong because I was stressing so much. We had little to no clue what the gender was, we had no clue if the baby was going to be human, we didn’t even know if the baby was going to be alive! I’d heard nasty things about vampire children being born that I really wish I’d never heard. There was this one case where a vampire baby was born with its small fangs (which is normal), but the blood lust kicked in too soon and the baby bit itself and drank itself to death.

            I shook my head of the gory details and the ‘movie’ playing in my head of the baby that killed itself. I didn’t need it. I finished filling in the paperwork when doors swung open and Jess was wheeled in. When her eyes locked with mine, she looked like she was pleading with me and I jogged over to her as she held out her hand. I grabbed it and let her squeeze as hard as she wanted to. She was in more pain than me; she had a right to hurt me too! The doctor pushing the wheelchair smiled at me softly as he pushed the chair through the set of double doors which led to the rest of the hospital. They led Jess into a room and the doctor motioned to the bed. Catching his drift, I leant down and picked Jess up out of the chair and put her down on the bed. She spread out and laid panting on the bed.

            “Hey babe, do you need anything?” I asked her softly. Her pained eyes looked at me as she shook her head.

            ‘Just you.” She said softly and gave me the littlest smile ever, but I really appreciated the small gesture. I took her hand and bent down, placing my lips on hers. She kissed back and I smiled.

            “I love you and I’m always here for you. Promise.” I told her, mumbling into her lips. It was the truth too. I fell in love with her at the age of five and I still loved her to this day.

            “I love you too Andy. Thanks so much for everything you’ve done so far.” She whispered, trying to hide the pain of another contraction. I turned my head and looked at my father who I only remembered now, followed the wheelchair. I was too concentrated on Jess.

            “Dad, I don’t know what to do.” I mouthed; not wanting a specific female in the room to hear. Dad shook his head.

            “You’re doing fine, son.” He whispered. I nodded; I hope I was. A nurse came in and stood looking at the both of us.

            “I’m assuming you are the boyfriend?” She asked me and I nodded. It was obviously not my dad, I thought cockily to myself. Don’t be rude Andy. “Ok, sir, I’m going to ask you to leave. We need to see how dilated she is.” The nurse said to my dad. He gave me one last supportive look before he left the small room and the nurse turned all of her attention to me and my girlfriend.

            “Could you get her changed in this? No undergarments at all.” She said politely and left the room. Really? Oh god. What is she doing to me? Turning to Jess, I helped her sit up. She smiled politely at me before wincing slightly.

            “It’s okay babe, you’re doing fine.” I whispered into her ear. As she stood up in facing me, I wrapped her arms around my neck. “Try to keep yourself up, but if you can’t, tell me and I’ll help as much as I can.” I told her and she nodded. Okay, I can do this.

            I slipped her t-shirt over her head, helping her stand when I took her arms from around me to slide the shirt down. Replacing her arms around me I looked up and directly into her eyes. She stared into mine and kissed my lips gently. If this was in any other circumstance, it would be romantic, but now, not so much. I bent down as much as I could without moving or dropping my shoulders (which were giving her the only support she had) and slipped down her pants slowly. Hooking my fingers around her underwear waistband, I pulled them down too.

            “Up you get.” I said to her as I lifted her up and onto the bed so she was sitting. She still held my shoulders, but I believed that was more for emotional support now, and I didn’t mind one bit. As I slid her jeans and underwear entirely off her legs, she looked at me and gave me another small smile. I just chucked her clothes on the floor before kissing her forehead gently. I took off her bra and put that with the rest of the clothes. I couldn’t help but trail my eyes over her naked body. She really was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen and her imperfections just made her perfect. Whoever made up the line ‘nobody’s perfect’, had obviously never met my girlfriend – just sayin’.

            “Here, put your arms into this.” I told her, moving the white robe towards her. She lifted her arms from my shoulders and slipped her arms into the thin material as I pulled it over her head. I pulled it down her legs and helped her lay back on the bed right as she groaned in pain form another contraction. The nurse came in just as she started settling down.

            “Ok Jess, legs up darling!” The nurse said as Jess looked to me and bent her legs. I ran my hand over her forehead as I bent down and kissed her forehead. It was glazed in sweat but I wasn’t fussed. “You’re going quickly, I’d give it four more hours and you’ll be ready. When was the last contraction?” The nurse asked.

            “Just before you came in.” I replied. The nurse nodded before handing me a stop watch.

            “Next time one comes, as soon as it starts calming down, press start and time until the start of the next.” The nurse directed me and I nodded. Oh god, I hated all this responsibility, but I’d do it all again for her.

~~~<>~~~ *3 hours later*

            “ANDY! FUCK!” Jess screamed and I panicked once again. The contractions were coming so soon after one another and they seemed to be coming more frequently too. Jess looked exhausted and I didn’t blame her. Her hair was sticky with sweat and the white robe was almost see-through. I swear, if there were any guys in the room when she’s giving birth, I will murder them. I should be the only one to see her naked; although I’m not too fussed if they are girls… I’m making no sense.

            “Shh babe. I’m here.” I said, offering her my hand to squeeze. I swear my hand would be black and blue by the end of the night, but like I said… Anything for her. The nurse came back into the room.

            “Okay, I’m going to do another reading.” She said, “Legs up again Hun!” The nurse told Jess and she did as told. I smiled and kissed her nose as the nurse did her thing. “She’s ready. We are going to take her into the birthing ward. Is her family here?” The nurse asked I nodded.

            “They are in the waiting room. I’ll call my dad to bring them here if you wanted?” I offered and the nurse nodded.

            “There is only allowed to be four other people in the room with you Jess, who would like to be there?” The nurse asked her softly.

            “Andy, mum, his mum and Ashley.” She whispered. I nodded before texting dad quickly to bring them to the room. The nurse got Jess’s bed mobilised and ready to be moved and I felt my nerves kick into overdrive.

            “Hey, we got here as fast as we could! Jess, I’m so proud of you! Andy… you look a little pale…” Jess’s mum said. Yeah, you got that right.

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