Chapter 27

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            It had been over two weeks since I had been admitted into the hospital. It had been hard keeping myself entertained for so long and the hospital food was terrible. There was a very small TV positioned in the corner of the room that only had a few fuzzy channels available on it and there were multiple puzzles in boxes awaiting my boredom.

            I was allowed to walk around the hospital as I pleased as I was capable of looking after myself. The only reason I was still in there was because they wanted to make sure I was fully recovering and I needed counselling every two days. I was allowed to leave the hospital as long as I was back by the time visiting hours were over, but I just chose not to. I really didn’t feel comfortable being around the male species.

            Arianna and Ashley had been coming in whenever they could; which I absolutely loved. Lauren (Andy’s other sister) and both of our mums had been coming in once every few days, but they were much busier than Ash and Arianna, so it was understandable.

            Andy hadn’t come in once, but I had been told of his progress. Ashley had told me, after I had to persuade her for almost an hour and a half, how Andy had been and what he did to entertain himself while he was left on his own; and I didn’t like the sound of it at all.


*Andy’s P.O.V*

            “Andy, we are going to go to the hospital to see Jess. Did you want to come? I’m sure she would be well enough to see you…” My mum asked me desperately. I could tell how much she wanted me to attempt to see my amazing girlfriend, but I could feel it in me that it wouldn’t go well. I knew I should be trying to mend our relationship but I didn’t want to force her.

            “I’ll come, but I won’t go see her. She won’t want that yet. I just know it.” I said miserably. I miss spending time with her. She was the only girl that I really connected with, other than sexually. I had slept with a lot of girls between the departure of Jess and the reuniting of our friendship, but none of them compared to her. Everyone had always told me that sex with the person you love is better than sex with a random person that you know nothing about, but I always ignored them. It made no sense to me until I made love with Jess the first time. It was like a tidal wave of emotions hitting me all at once. It was the most amazing thing I had ever felt; ever.

            “I’m sure she will love to see your face again, even if it’s from a distance. She forced Ashley to tell her about you the other day. It’s obvious that she misses you a lot, so I’d be willing to bet that she is ready.” Mum said.

            “Come on Andy!” Ashley pressed from the doorway. I hadn’t even noticed her until now.

            “Ugh, fine. But ask her if she wants to see me first.” I told them before getting up out of bed and moving towards my draws to get dressed. Mum rolled her eyes and walked out of my room while Ash just stood there. “Do you mind?” I asked her with a small smile threatening to break out onto my face. Ash laughed before walking in and sitting on my bed.

            “I’ve seen everything anyway.” She said, referring to the time we lost our virginities to each other when I was younger.

            “Yeah, but that was when I was twelve! Everything’s different now!” I protested, although I really didn’t care what she saw. We were really close anyway and she had seen my dick many times since then anyway; she was also dating my twin brother…

            “I’d hope so.... Everything was so tiny back then!” She teased, sticking her tongue out at me playfully. I huffed before flipping her off.

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