Chapter 24

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*Andy’s P.O.V*

            As Lauren took me out to the waiting room, I couldn’t help but let out the tears that had been pushing at the surface since Jess had told me to ‘go away’. My heart screamed at me for leaving her alone, but honestly, I couldn’t face her. She looked so damaged, so scared and I just couldn’t stand to look at her like that. I should have protected her; I should have gone with her.

            “How is she?” Kellin asked as he barged through my family, pushing apart Ashley and Jake as Ash cried on his shoulder. I squared my shoulders as I faced the man who failed to protect one of the two ladies I cared most about.

            “Like you honestly care! How could you let this happen to her?” I demanded to know. Kellin stood there with shock on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but hesitated and then closed it. I stood there, not breaking my hold on his attention.

            “Andy, I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know that she needed help!” He defended himself. I narrowed my eyebrows and shifted my weight onto my other foot, arms crossed over my chest. “You can’t say you would have taken care of her any better.” He accused. I snapped.

            I punched him square in the jaw and not gently either. There was a snap that could be heard before he doubled over in pain. He spat out blood onto the hospital floor as two nurses came rushing over.

            “What is going on here?!” One nurse bellowed as the other rushed to pick Kellin up off the floor. Kellin looked at me with hostility as I didn’t stand down. “Gab, clean him up and put his jaw back into place. He will heal within the next three hours.” The nurse that shouted informed her colleague. She looked at me after looking down at Kellin. She then looked down at my bloodied fist and sighed. “Prince Andy, please follow me.” She said before walking away from the drama. I sighed and started following her, kicking a fallen Kellin in the process.

            “You know what you did could have serious consequences, right?” The nurse asked me. I nodded and sat on the hospital bed. I felt uneasy being away from Jess or the rest of my family. “You know, the princess will be fine. We didn’t want to announce it to the whole family just yet, but she has some vaginal damage and she will obviously be a bit jumpy for a while. Most victims won’t let any male near them for a while and if they do, it won’t be easy. You’ll just have to give her time.” The nurse informed at she wiped the blood off of my busted knuckles.

            “How bad is the damage?” I asked, afraid to know the answer. The nurse shrugged and looked up at me with pity in her eyes.

            “We had a nurse run some tests, but it’s impossible to tell until the bruising subsides.” I sighed. I was done with being angry, now I was getting unbelievably sad. I wouldn’t put it past me to go home, curl up in my bed and cry for the next week. I couldn’t imagine what Rina was feeling right now. She was old enough to understand her surroundings, and the emotions of people, so I knew she had an idea of what was going on.

            “Would you mind if I went to go get my daughter?” I asked, knowing full well that the public, apart from the nurses that helped Jess, didn’t know about my child yet. The nurse looked up at me with a shocked face, but nodded anyway. “Hey, please keep my daughter away from the spot lights; and also Jess’s situation if you can. It would mean the world to me.” I said sadly and the nurse nodded, walking towards the door.

            “Oh, once you get her, come back here. I still need to cut open your hand and put the knuckle shards back together. You did some serious damage.” She said, giving me a small smile and rushing off. Standing up from the bed, I walked down the familiar halls, stopping outside Jess’s hospital room. She was asleep, buried in the pure white sheets. She looked scared and alone from the looks of it, and I just wanted to go cuddle up with her, but I knew she wouldn’t want that. I sighed and continued walking towards my family.

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