Chapter 14

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A/N: You don't have to read the start, but I recommend it! If you find it boring, skip it :) I don't think it's really important in the story!

            It’s been two days since I had Arianna and I already noticed how fast I am slimming down. I started breastfeeding her at the hospital after the nurse showed me how to do it. I felt really weird about it though because she started touching me, but it wasn’t that bad. She apologized quite a lot. I felt alone in those two days that I was required to stay in the hospital. Andy was only allowed to be there during visiting hours and he would stay there the whole day, but at night, I was completely alone. Because of Andy’s status, I got my own room, but sometimes I really wished I had a room with someone else. I slept alone for the first time in over 8 months. I felt the cold much more than I usually did. Andy would text me all night until we both fell asleep. In the morning, Arianna’s crib would be rolled into my room and I would be woken up to feed her. It really sucked how she wasn’t allowed to spend the night with me. She would be wheeled back to the baby room where they kept all newborn vampire babies. I also had to go to lessons after I fed her, which started at 9am. They basically taught me all I would need to know when she grew up and I would have to bring her blood. I managed not to make grossed out faces whenever they talked about it and I tried to think about how much of a turn on it is when Andy does that stuff.

            Andy had been very busy over the past two days. As soon as he got kicked out of the hospital, he went home and texted me that he was bringing over my clothes and stuff and he was going to stay there for as long as he could with me. To say that the whole experience was amazing would be a lie, because the pain was unbearable, but without Andy, it would have been much worse. My ‘area’ still hurt like a motherfucker and I got told it would stay that way for another five days or so. I groaned at the thought and how much I wanted Andy, but I guess that would have to wait. Andy told me how he managed to put up all the baby furniture with his dad’s help since his hand was busted. I felt so bad when I saw his hand but he just laughed it off. I remember when the nurse took his hand in hers and snapped the bone back into place. Andy put his body in the way so I couldn’t see the process happening, but I still heard it. He didn’t even need surgery to put in metal pieces to keep it steady, it just started healing right then and there; skin and all. To be honest, that kind of scared me. I tend to forget that Andy wasn’t normal. He looks and behaves so normal, there’s just little rifts that make him so different.

            Arianna though, she was perfect. She obviously had Andy’s bright blue eyes and my face shape. My mum said the baby looked a lot like Andy, which was weird I guess. I always imagined that I would have a daughter and she would be a splitting image of me when I was younger. It’s weird to see a little baby girl that looks like my boyfriend, although I love it. It brings back so many memories seeing a young Andy look alike. Andy comes and holds her a lot. You can see the love in his eyes when he does. He’s already so fond of her and it’s amazing. He started calling her ‘Rina’. I knew from then that when she grew up, she would be a daddy’s girl and it made me sad, but I knew she would still love me. I wanted to keep her sheltered from the world and to do that, I was prepared to keep her away from any guy.

            My mum had also come to visit. She looked really sad and apologetic. I guessed it was because last time she was in this position she ended up not being happy with my vampire side. She asked me so many times how I was about the whole thing. I told her over and over again that I would love Arianna with all my heart, no matter what. She would usually end up in tears and apologize over and over again, but I understood her motives.

            Ashley came in quite a lot too. She would always update me on how she and Jake were going. She told me all the weird and embarrassing stories about their relationship. She even told me about the first time she had sex with him; which to cut it short, wasn’t that much of a success. She told me how the condom had broken right as he went to put it in, and then they had to get another one out of Andy’s draw. That part made me blush. She told me how one day, she wanted to have a kid and maybe Arianna and that baby would be best friends. I smiled at the stories she told me.

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