Chapter 30

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A/N: Last few chapters! Sorry it's so short! I just wanted to put something up!

*Many Months Later*

            “Ashley, you were trying to convince me that the grass was blue and each individual grass was a smurf seed… You were drunk!” Andy laughed in the next room. I was stuck in thought though.

            “Andy, please! Only you would know the real meaning of drunk since you are intoxicated almost every week!” Ashley accused back and I chuckled at her attempt to turn it back on him. Andy drinks, but he never gets drunk. Maybe if I got drunk this would be easier.

            “No way!” Andy shot back, stomping out of the room whilst opening his mouth again to shoot back another come-back. He stopped a split second before he would have run into me. “What’s up babe? You look stressed…” He looked concerned as he took in my face, forgetting all about the previous conversation.

            “Um… nah, nothing.” I responded, tucking my hair behind my ear and looking down at the floor. Andy’s hand moved underneath my chin to force me to look back up at him.

            “No, I know when something’s not right…” He said, looking into my eyes. He looked as if he was trying to read me, but my poker face had gotten better and better throughout the months, and I had figured out how to keep him out of my head. Truth be told, I wasn’t alright.

            “I know Andy. I’ll tell you later though, okay?” I proposed, looking over at Arianna as she walked in the house, followed by a muddy Danny. “Hey.” I greeted her, which she only responded to with a smile and a short wave.

            “No, come in our room and tell me there.” He said, holding my hand gently. I pulled back slightly and he let go instantly. “Jess?” He questioned. I stepped towards him slowly and he stood still. His curious, blue eyes grazed over my body as the moment seemed to go in slow motion.

            As I stood in front of him, I balanced up on my tippy toes and pressed my lips softly to his. “Nothing is wrong…” I told him with a small smile. He opened his mouth to protest but I stopped him with my hand over his face; which of course, he licked. “But there is something you can help me with.” I told him as I removed my hand and grabbed his. I pulled him slowly into our room and he cooperated cautiously.

            I wasn’t sure if I was ready to have sex again. That level of physicality still put me on edge and being powerless under a male – even though it would be Andy – still put me on edge. I still wasn’t a hundred per cent sure if I even wanted to touch him. That’s what I wanted to find out though.

            “Sit.” I said and he obeyed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror we had hanging on the wall opposite the bed. I observed my face in the reflective glass for much over a minute, trying to point out any features that had changed since that ‘accident’ many months ago. I was still the same girl and Andy was still the same boy; nothing had changed.

            So why did I feel so unsure of what I was about to do?

            “Jess, don’t push yourself into anything that you don’t want to do… You know that ill love you even without the physical stuff.” He pointed out, although his words meant nothing. This was me. This was my achievement and I wanted that old, unbreakable relationship we had that was built on trust and love.

            “Andy, I’m fine.” I said, turning around to face my back to the wall. His eyes looked into mine with great curiosity as I took my sweater off. “Just… Let’s take this slow.” I said quietly, almost a whisper.

            “You’re sure?” He asked, equally as quiet. When I nodded, he reached out to take my hand in his as I inched closer. When I was seated on his lap facing him, I put my arms around his neck and planted my lips softly on his.

            “I trust you Andy.” I told him and he smiled gratefully. Slowly, his hands ran down my sides, stopping on my hips. Even with my shirt still on, I could feel the warmth of his hands. I pushed him back and he fell against the mattress with a thud.

          “I love you.” He whispered from underneath me. I smiled at him and mouthed the same words back to him as I inched his shirt higher and higher up his torso. He gave me that silly cocky grin like always.

A/N: It’s so hard to write this now! Lol, I met Andy and the rest of the guys recently and they are the nicest people ever! I got the album cover of Set The World On Fire signed and I caught the towel that Andy threw off stage! I high-fived them all and was at the barrier at their concert with my boyfriend, Anthony :) Oh! And Ashley’s pick hit Anth in the face and then he gave it to me! It was like, the best days of my life! I even got to write a few sets of lyrics with Andy!


Jess xoxoxoxo

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