Chapter 28

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*Andy’s P.O.V*

            “Hey Jess! How’s everything going?” Mum asked as she walked through the doorway into Jess’s hospital room. Once again, I took my usual seat on the couch outside her room. I didn’t know when she would be ready to see me, but I sure hoped it was soon because I was almost losing my mind. I missed her so much and it hurts a lot more than you think when you can’t even talk to the person that you love most in the world.  The fact that Ashley would get back in the car after visiting her and just run her mouth all the way home didn’t help me at all. I wanted to be the one that could make her smile, not her sister.

            “I’m good! I was speaking to the nurse earlier today! She’s really nice!” I heard her voice before mum shut the door. It felt like a wave of relief rushed over me, cleansing me from the worry I had been feeling for over a week.

            I breathed in deeply and breathed out, trying to clear my head from questions rushing through about Jess and her well-being. There was so much that I wanted to ask her, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. It was no use.

            “Excuse me?” A voice asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a young woman looking down at me. She was dressed in a nurses uniform and her hair was done up in a neat bun. Something about her face looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I had probably just seen her around the hospital one day that I was sitting out here. “Oh um, sorry to disturb you, but can I sit? I wanted to talk to you about Jess.” The nurse told me and I scooted over a little so she had room next to me.

            “What about her?” I asked when she was seated. The nurse looked up at me and smiled politely before smoothing out her uniform, even though it was already perfect.

            “Well, I was talking to her today and I might have successfully convinced her to give you a chance. She wants to see you.” The nurses told me. She continued talking afterwards as well, but that’s all I managed and wanted to hear.

            “She really wants to see me?” I asked, probably cutting off the nurse. She looked a little taken back; which told me that she actually was talking and I had in fact, cut her off. I gave her an apologetic look and a smile grin. In response, she giggled and nodded.

            I shot out of my seat and ran the few steps to the door before calming myself down. It would probably scare Jess even more to have me rush in there, slamming things all over the place. I stood outside of the closed door before reaching out for the handle. The moment seemed to go in slow motion as I turned the handle slowly.

            I heard the whole room go silent from inside and I smiled a little, looking through the small gap. I could only see my mum, Ashley’s and Lauren’s faces, but when I opened the door further, they parted.

            That moment when I saw her face for the first time in weeks, was the best day of my life. Her mouth opened wide and I was scared that she was going to scream out for help, but when that turned into a massive smile, I breathed a breath of relief.

            “Andy?” She whispered as if she hadn’t said my name in months. I gave her a small reassuring smile before closing the door behind me. I didn’t take any step further or backwards, I remained where I was; unsure of what I was to do.

            “Jess, I can go if you want, I-“

            “No, please stay.” She cut me off. She looked towards her family that was surrounding her and then turned to look at me once again. “Um, would everyone mind if I spent a little bit talking to Andy?” She asked almost guiltily. Jess is the only girl that would feel guilty about talking to someone when she was the one that had to have an experience like the one that she did. They all nodded in understanding before making their way out of the room. As each person walked past me, they each laid a hand on my shoulder, except for Rina who put a small hand on my thigh before leaving.

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