Chapter 22

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*Two Weeks Later*

*Jess’s P.O.V*

            “Mum, I really don’t want to go with him. I barely know him at all!” I protested but mum just sighed and shook her head. I knew she was going to make me go; she trusts him for some stupid reason.

            “That’s exactly why you should go. You’ll get to know him more on this trip. I promise!” Mum tried to persuade me. I looked at Andy who shrugged and gave me a small smile. He was leant up against the bench top, looking between both me and my mum fighting. You’d think he would say something but he seemed to think this was a good idea.

            “Mum, he’s avoided being in my life this whole time. Is it such a crime to not want him in it at all?” I asked and mum shrugged. She seemed to think that this trip would be beneficial, but I knew for certain that this is just a waste of time.

            “No Jess. He wants to make things right. You know what? Just go with him for an hour at least. If you still want to come home after that, then fine by me.” She reasoned and I shrugged. I didn’t want to go at all but if I really had to, then this was the best I was going to get.

            “Fine. I’ll be in my room getting changed. Go tell the dickhead.” I said angrily. My mum stormed off in a huff as Andy chuckled.

            “You know, you could be a little nicer to him. He is your dad.” Andy said with a grin. I scoffed, making Andy laugh quietly. “You, milady, are one moody son of a bitch when you don’t want to do something.” He said, pulling me into his chest for a hug. I giggled.

            “I know I am, but you’ve gotten used to it; so should they.” I said, standing on my tippy-toes to peck his lips softly. Andy pressed his lips to mine, making the butterflies go nuts. You’d think that after all this time, they’d calm down. Right? “Take care of Arianna for me.” I said before pulling out of his arms. He nodded with a cheeky smile. “What are you planning?” I asked him, knowing that there was something he was hiding.

            “Basketball night I think. It’s okay though; if we get a bit too into it and break the TV, I’ll buy a new one. Don’t fuss.” He said with a chuckle and I smiled. That boy is an idiot. Arianna came running into the lounge at that moment, dragging her stuffed pony behind her on the floor. “Rina, pick Pony up from the floor or he’s going to get dirty.” Andy said softly as she picked up her toy and hugged it to her chest. I smiled at them both before making my way up the stairs.

            “Bye mummy!” Arianna’s little voice carried across the room, making me smile. I waved my good bye before blowing her a kiss and making my leave. When I got to my room, I shrugged out of Andy’s hoody and put it on my bed. I loved the thing, but I didn’t want to wear it out with my ‘dad’. He’d give me some stupid speech on how I shouldn’t be dating so seriously at my age and blah, blah, blah. I may have been sixteen and pregnant, but that doesn’t mean I’m immature.

            I pulled down my jeans in anger at the fact I had to go out, before putting on a pair of shorts that suited the weather properly. My shorts were paired with my favourite singlet and a cardigan before I made my way downstairs. Andy and Arianna were sitting on the couch, the sports channel already blaring. I was surprised mum didn’t care. This was her house after all.

            “Are you ready Jess?” My ‘dad’ said from the door. I gave him a short but ignorant nod before tearing my eyes away from my two most favourite people in the world, and turned to face him.

            “Let’s just get this over with.” I said bluntly before pushing him aside and leaving the house. “Where are we going?” I asked him as he shut the door behind us and caught up to me.

            “Hunting. Sound ok?” He asked, giving me a short smile. I shrugged, ignoring his try at being fatherly before looking at the ground. I watched a boy run with his dog across the road before looking straight in front of me. Basically, I would look anywhere but at him. “You know, I do approve of you and Andy dating. The only thing I’m a little bit confused about is that you two were raised as siblings. Why didn’t it stay like that?” He asked. I shrugged.

            “Stay out of my personal life.” I replied bluntly, ignoring his existence for as long as I could. When he sighed in defeat, I realised I had probably been too harsh. “Sorry, look; I know you’re trying to make up for lost time, but I really don’t need the added stress right now that comes with you being here. Andy and I love each other and us being together was bound to happen. We didn’t plan for it, it just happened.” I replied, giving him some sort of an answer. He nodded and looked back down at the concrete.

            “I’m sorry Jess.” He said and that was the end of the conversation.


            We got to a reasonably quiet area and I separated form the man I was supposed to call my ‘father’. As he got settled in a good spot, I stood a reasonable distance from him so I could see how he hunted. I only knew the way that Andy taught me, so I wanted to see how he did it.

            From where I was standing, I could see a pretty blonde girl walking towards his hiding spot and I near he was closing in on her. He narrowed his eyes in her direction before hiding and listening for her footsteps. When she got close, he jumped out and grabbed her, silencing her with his hand. I wanted to scream or help her, but I knew I couldn’t. All I could do was close my eyes and look away. I felt the growing anger towards my ‘father’ bubbling up in my stomach.

            Ignoring the feeling, I walked further down the street until I found my own little nook to stay. A boy, probably around the age of 19, was walking up the street and I smiled. He was attractive; not as attractive as my boyfriend, but attractive all the same. His strides were long as he walked and I smiled. He oozed confidence, the good kind. When he got close, I stopped him.

            “Um, excuse me?” I asked in my own sudductive way. He turned and smiled at me, eyes raking over my body. Although I wanted to hide myself, I knew I wanted to get this over with and the only way I would,  was if I grew a pair and left myself exposed.

            “What’s up?” He asked, not really hiding the fact he was staring at my chest. I cleared my throat and giggled.

            “You know, I can give you a better look in the alleyway if you wanted to…” I said and he laughed. When he nodded and grabbed my hand, I knew something was going to go wrong. His grip was strong and as he led me all the way to the dead end, I knew the chances of being helped if anything was to go wrong was slimming with each step.

            He pushed me not so gently against a wall, and chucked his backpack on the paved floor. As he took menacing strides towards me, I gulped and wondered why I didn’t insist that Andy come with us.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long, but I really really really need some comments. I checked my emails so many times last week and to find nothing really upset me :/

I know some of you might not have an account or can't for some other reason, but for me to spend all this time writing this and not got a single comment just makes me wonder if it's worth it anymore...

I know I'm probably sounding like a bitch or something, but please? I beg you, give me something?


Anyway, next chapter is probably a bit.... uhhhh eeerrrmm, well lets say risky. Short way of saying it, she gets raped. If anyone has any problems with this, please tell me?

~ Jess xoxoxoxo

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