Chapter 8

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*Andy’s P.O.V*


               It felt great going out with Jess again. It had been too long since we had gone to school, saw our friends, and went out together; anything really. Everything was so stressful with the kid on the way. I’m not sure what to expect but I really hope I’ll be able to be the best dad I could ever be.

               “Where are we going? Please answer this time!” Jess said beside me, cuddling up to my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders protectively and chuckled. She looked up at me with her big eyes and I kissed her nose. She giggled and looked back up at me, still expecting an answer.

               “We will go out and get some early dinner and then hopefully we can go check out a few shops for furniture for the kid?” I asked cautiously and she looked up at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen her wear. She nodded enthusiastically and I felt my own smile plaster itself on my face.

               “Hurry up!” She rushed me, and I chuckled. I loved seeing her like this. She was always so playful and happy, even though she has a child growing inside of her. “Oh and Andy?” She asked and I looked up, waiting for her answer. “I’m going to stop going to school for a while. Do you think that would be okay?” She asked and I nodded. I would like it if she didn’t go to school. School means stress and stress isn’t good for her or the kid… right?



               I pulled up outside a small but beautiful restaurant and I looked over at Jess through the corner of my eyes. Her face was lit up by the huge smile on her face and I couldn’t help but follow her lead. She was so beautiful in so many ways and I couldn’t spot one bad thing about her. I’ve always thought she was amazingly pretty, even at the young age of six. I knew back then that I wanted to marr- wait… what? Am I seriously thinking about marrying her? I knew I loved her and I wanted to spend my whole life with her… but marriage at this young age? I’m only freaking 16! I know at times I think I’m not a normal hormonal teenage boy, but I must have hit my head in the past few days… or am I actually serious about her?

               “Are you okay? You look a bit dazed?” Jess asked.

               “Uh, yeah I’m fine. Um... do you want to eat?” I asked her and she nodded and giggled at my weird behaviour. I got out of the car and walked around to her side and opening the door for her. She smiled politely at me and stepped out onto the pavement. I held an arm out for her and she intertwined her arm in mine as we walked towards the doors. I once again opened the door for her and as soon as we stepped in, an older woman looked at jess with disgusted eyes as if it was wrong for a girl her age to be pregnant. Giving the woman my best warning face, I wrapped my arm around Jess’s waist. This girl was mine and I’m proud to take responsibility for something that I too, have created. After all, if you were man enough to get a girl pregnant, you are man enough to stay with her and see how the kid turns out.

               The woman turned and walked back to her table with her husband and children and I looked at the woman’s family. Would I one day have a family like that? I felt my heart beat faster in excitement at the thought and I knew then, that if Jess wanted it to, I would definitely have a family with her; she was the only girl for me. She’s perfect. I felt the urge to drop her back off at her mother’s place with other humans and talk to my dad about getting a ring. I wanted to make this girl my own as soon as possible, but I knew my age was a barrier to get what (I hope) we both want.

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