Chapter 26

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            “Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! It’s seven thirty!” A little voice screamed from beside the bed. I rolled over; expecting Jess to be lying there, but her side was cold. I sighed.

            “Ok, I’m up! Have you woken up Aunty Ashley yet?” I asked Rina as she climbed up on the bed and started bouncing. I opened my eyes to see her tired face and messy hair. She shook her head.

            “Nope, I will go do it now!” She said happily before climbing down off the bed and running down the hall way. I sighed and cuddled back into the sheets. I don’t even know how I slept when Jess wasn’t with me. I remember all the times where I brought girls into this room hen my family wasn’t home and we had a little fun, but all those times were nothing compared to when Jess stepped foot in here for the first time.

            That day when I first saw her with Chels, Britt and Shae felt like years ago, but it hasn’t been that long. When I first saw her at recess, I spent the classes in between then and lunchtime scheming ways to get her to talk to me. I didn’t think of anything, but when Vander went to go see his ‘girlfriend’, I followed. I knew Jess would be with them, I just didn’t know she would be alone.

            “Daddy! She’s awake! Help me get dressed!” Rina shouted at me, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled and threw the blankets off of me. The cold air hit my skin as I climbed out of bed. I could hear my daughters little footsteps running down the hall and I could help but smile.

            I walked out of my room and into Rina’s; who was already trying to pull out a pink t-shirt with a yellow duck on it. I smiled at her struggle and opened up her draw further so it was easier to get out. “Wear your pretty pink skirt.” I told her tiredly and she nodded and opened up another draw that she kept her pants in. “I’m just going to go make sure Ash is getting ready… ok?” I asked her and she nodded. “Call me if you need any help.” I told her before exiting her room. She was getting better at doing things herself.

            The house was quiet apart from sounds of Arianna running around her room, getting ready. I got down to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water before drinking it and walking back upstairs to Ash’s room. I stopped outside her closed door and knocked.

            “Yeah? Is that you, Arianna?” I heard Ash ask. I heard footsteps before the door opened. Ash was dressed in a fitted black t-shirt and black shorts with a scarf wrapped around her neck.

            “Hey, Rina is almost dressed so we are going to go soon. I was just making sure she actually woke you up or you didn’t go back to sleep.” I told her with a small smile. Ash nodded before walking into her room, leaving the door open. “Hey, I was thinking… I wanted to know if you would be free tomorrow?” I asked shyly.

            Ash looked at me with confusion. “Why? What were you planning?” She asked, curiosity filling her tired voice. I gulped.

            “I wanted a girl’s opinion. I was going to go to the jewellers…” I said, hoping she would catch on.

            “Andy… What are you planning?” Ashley asked with a smile that she was trying to hide. I swallowed and tried to look confident, which was obviously failing.

            “I wanted to get Jess a bracelet or something.” I said, not wanting to say anything in a house full of vampires. In the case that someone was awake, they would be able to hear our whole conversation and my plan would be ruined.

            “A bracelet?” Ashley asked, doubtfully. She knew what I was up to. I pointed at my left hand, on the ring finger shyly, telling her what I really wanted to do.

Beautiful Desires (FLAL Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora