Chapter 15

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            “Andy, can you get Arianna up? I have to feed her.” I said normally, knowing full well that Andy could hear me clearly from across the other side of the house. I heard a shout from a while away and in only a few seconds Andy was next to me with our daughter laying tiredly in his arms. I giggled. “You know it’s probably not a good idea to go that fast when she’s so little.” I told him with a smile, taking the baby from his arms.

            “Yeah, probably not, but she’s got to get used to it.” He said cheekily. “Can I stay in here? I won’t look.” He said referring to me breastfeeding. I shrugged.

            “Knock yourself out! I really don’t care if you look or not!” I said with a laugh. He has seen everything anyway. “Hey, why did you call her Arianna? I don’t remember you bringing up that name when we were brainstorming.” I asked him and he shrugged.

            “The night before, I had a dream. It was way in the future. We were running around in your old backyard like we would do back when we were young, but instead of just us two being alone, there was a young girl there. She had blonde, flowing, wavy hair and she had eyes like me and a face like yours. I knew she was our daughter. She went near the stream and I called her over. When I shouted out her name, I woke up, but I ended up saying ‘Arianna’ under my breath as if it was a continuation of the dream. I knew that I loved the name and I was going to talk to you about it but when you said I could name her, well… that’s what I said.” He explained and I smiled. It sounded really weird that he would dream something like that. It seemed almost too good to be true; but his eyes told me that he was telling the truth. He smiled at the memory before the baby started crying in my arms. Pulling down my top, I felt Andy shift next to me slightly and I smiled. That boy is so cute. I positioned myself so Arianna could drink and I saw Andy looking down at his daughter… and probably my boob too. I looked at him and he looked up before grinning at me cheekily.

            “Are you still in pain?” He asked, referring to the pain when I gave birth to our daughter. I nodded and looked up at him. “Can I… I want to show you something tonight, okay?” He asked unsure. I nodded. He knows that I can’t do anything so I don’t think it would be anything sexual.

            “Fuck.” I whispered and Andy looked up at me worriedly.

            “Are you okay?” He asked, looking like he was ready to get up and help me if needed. I nodded.

            “I’m fine, she just bit too hard.” I said, blushing. There are some things that I wished I didn’t have to tell him. Andy chuckled next to me.

            “Toughen up princess.” He whispered in my ear. I jumped slightly, causing the baby to sputter slightly. I whispered an apology to her before looking up at Andy. I didn’t see him move so close to me.  “I bite harder than her.” He said. I knew he meant it sexually, but it was also true. He did bite harder than her. I giggled, nudging him with my arm, careful not to disturb the baby again. “Do you want to know a secret?” He whispered in my ear. His cold breath brushed against my neck and I shivered. I felt myself start to want him. We’d gone so long and sex had just become part of our routine.

            “Tell me.” I whispered back, turning my head slightly to see him looking down at my exposed body.

            “I’ve never hated bras so much in my whole life.” He told me simply. I laughed; of course he would say something like that. He brushed his lips against my neck and kissed the skin slightly. I felt his teeth graze me and his kisses started getting hungrier. I moaned slightly, causing Arianna to look up at me with those familiar blue eyes. I smiled down at her and she resumed feeding.

            “Andy…” I breathed before I felt the tips of his teeth on my skin. I tilted my head to the side, inviting him to do it. He pulled back a little and I turned my head to look at him. “You okay?” I asked worried. Usually he wouldn’t stop, but usually he wouldn’t bite me. His skin was pale and his eyes darker than their usual bright shine of blue.

            “Yeah, just got things on my mind.” He whispered and I knew what he meant. He never liked to say it, but he was thirsty. He’d been spending all of his time at the hospital or setting up the house and I wasn’t with him. Usually I would tell him to go and take care of himself and then come back. Without me, he’s neglecting himself.

            “Go.” I told him lightly. He looked into my eyes and shook his head.

            “I want to be with you and Rina.” He said, looking down at his daughter. I smiled.

            “Resume what you were doing then.” I told him. “Go tonight when she’s asleep and do your thing. I’ll hold you off till then.” I whispered and he looked into my eyes with an emotion I couldn’t pick up. Love, maybe…?

            “Jess…” He started back I shook my head and connected my lips to his. He groaned and kissed me properly. His lips trailed down my jawline to my neck. His lips moved gently against my pale skin until I felt the sharpness again. His hand moved to mine and he squeezed lightly. That was his cue. I felt the sensation of his teeth digging into my skin before the sharpness of them punctured it. I tilted my head further to the side and he shifted himself to get better access. I moaned in pleasure. Whoever said that a vampires bite hurt bullshits; well it really depends I guess. I remember Andy saying he can make it hurt. I felt a pinch in my neck and Andy mumbled a ‘sorry’ into my neck. I giggled softly before looking down at Arianna. She was looking at Andy with wide eyes. I looked down at her and her eyes shifted to mine. She must be pretty smart for her age. Although Andy did say they can grow up pretty quick; hitting fifteen in a year. He didn’t though for some reason. Ashley, Jake, Kieran and himself didn’t, but his older sister Lauren did. I didn’t speak to her ever. She was born three years after Andy, but grew up much faster.

            Arianna started crying, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked down at her and I could tell she was finished. I fixed myself and I heard Andy groan in protest. I giggled as he pulled away, licking the wound to close it. His eyes brightened before my eyes and he had a light blush on his cheeks. “Thanks.” He whispered and I kissed his cheek while giggling. I picked up Arianna so her head rested on my neck. “Careful.” Andy said and I realised what he meant. She was a vampire baby and because Andy just demonstrated, she knew how to bite. I nodded and started patting her on the back. The nurse showed me what to do; apparently you have to do this to get the air out of their stomach of something…

            “Hey, I was thinking… Did you want to come with me tonight? I could show you what to do?” He asked and I shrugged. I felt weird talking about this and I now knew why he didn’t mention the ‘act’ directly. “You have your teeth now. I know you do.” He said with a wink. He was right. The first time I felt them push their way through my gums, I was in the shower. I’d figured out on my own how to hide or activate them, but I kind of wanted Andy’s help. I trusted him. I smiled before the baby burped. I jumped and Andy chuckled.

            “I’ll come, but you have to teach me. Could your dad take care of the baby for us?” I asked and Andy nodded.

            “He could, but Ashley has already requested that she and Jake take her for a night. I’ll go call them.” He told me before standing up. He walked into the bedroom, but I couldn’t help but stare at his ass. His jeans were tight and I wanted them off. “Stop staring, pervert.” Andy shouted playfully from our room causing me to crack up laughing.

            “Shut up, you loved it!” I yelled back and I heard him chuckle right before Arianna hick-upped. I like having a family.

A/N: Half way! Thanks for the support guys! 23K reads on the first book and 2K on this one! Amazing guys! Much more than I expected! <3

~ Jess xoxoxo

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