Chapter 1 :)

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*Lauren's POV*

3 more hours until i land in LA. 3 more hours until I get off my plane. 3 more hours until I can finally meet my bestest friend ever. Bernice. We've been best friends since Nash Grier made his own app. We started talking and ever since then our friendship grew and grew each day. I had no idea it would be this strong and i love her so much! But to be honest I'm super nervous. What if she doesn't like me? What if she finds a new bestie and ditches me? I don't know but I do know I'm so tired so since I have 3 hours I'm gunna sleep so night.

*3 hours later*

The plane landed with a huge bump which woke me up. I wasn't impressed. But then I realised I'm freaking meeting my best friend! Today! This is the day I have been dreaming of for like ever. I just hope she likes me still. The seat belt bell dings signalling for us to take them off. I immediately stand up and grab my bag out of the over head section thing and but it on my back. When the plane doors open everyone walks out and things get crowded but that's ok coz I was in the second to front row so I got off quickly. I walked down the stairs and into the airport and found where all my luggage was going to be put on. I was waiting for about 10 minutes until the thing started to move and about 3 minutes later I found my suitcase so I grabbed it and pulled it off. After I had done that I immediately saw my other suitcase coming my way so I waited and then grabbed that one off to. I put my luggage onto the big trolley that you put your stuff on and realised I had no idea where I was meeting Bernice so I decided to text her.

Hey where am I meeting you?
Meet me at the entrance and wait inside on the chairs! I'll be about 5 minutes DON'T MOVE!
Ok I won't! See ya in 5 minutes can't wait
See ya in 5 babe!

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket. In just 5 minutes I am going to meet my best friend. My other half. My sister. I'm so nervous but can't wait at the same time. A few minutes later I heard a car door shut and I suddenly looked up. There she was. OML I can't believe it.
"LAUREN" she shouted
"BERNICE" I shouted
We both ran to each other and gave each other the biggest most longest hug ever on earth. I swear everyone was looking at us right now but I don't care coz I'm with my best friend. Could this day get any better?

After what felt like forever we let go. I looked at her in the eyes and my eyes started tearing up. She was so beautiful. A little tear slipped out of my eye but I quickly wiped it away and started to make a conversation.
"So how are you?!" I almost shouted
"I'm great even better now that I'm with you!" She replied
"Oh my gosh I can't believe this! I've been waiting four years for this day. 4 YEARS!"
"So have I and it was worth the wait"
But as soon as I could reply someone grabbed me by the waist and spun me around. I giggled and said
"I think your mistaken for someone else."
"Um... No I'm pretty sure I have the right girl!" The voice said. It sounded familiar I couldn't quite work out where I heard it before.
I was really confused so I looked at Bernice and she had a massive smile on her face it went from ear to ear. Oh no. I'm scared. What has she done. The arms slowly let me go and as I turn around. OH. MY. GOSH. This day just got so much better...

A/N: jeez I hope you like it :)

This is reality//MagconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora