Chapter 44 :)

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I woke up to a loud gun shot that made me jump.

What the fuck who is in the house

I look around in a panic but realise it was the TV.

Aaron was curled up into me and it was so cuteeeeeeee.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 4:00 am. I wasn't that tired to be honest.

The horror movie was still on and Aaron wasn't awake to keep me safe so I went to get up but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Morning baby girl" his morning voice is so sexy.

"It's 4 am go back to sleep." I laughed getting up and turning off the TV.

"Ok night" he mumbled

"Night baby" I laugh.

I'm so excited for the MAGCON tour. It's like in a few days! I've already got the MAGCON tour merch and the boys new merch. I make a mental note to call back Victoria's Secret ... Just remembered.


As Aaron woke up I sat next to him and played with his hair.

"It's 10 am do you want me to walk you back?" I asked

"Yes please" he smiled. His cheeks were all red and his hair was all messy and it was just plain cute.

We walked down the road talking about random things really. Nothing special. Like how one time I watched this elephant die and a hyena went to eat it and went straight for its bum and this massive sack came out and yeah... Randomness.

(A/N: science guys science😂🤘🏻COZ that's what we watch in science)

We got to his door and we were in fits of laughter talking about stupid things.

"Thank you for making me happy." I said quietly once I had calmed down

"Your welcome, Lauren you know I'm always here ok." He smiled and bought me in to a hug

"Thank you. I'll see you later."

"I'll text you later about MAGCON I need to ask something ok?"

"Ok." I smile and walk back to mine

I get in and Bernice is home.

"Hey! How was Shawn?" I ask bringing her into a hug.

"He's good yeah. How's Aaron?"

"Normal I guess why?"

"Because I know you like him I'm not stupid." She laughed

"No I know even if I think I like him I can't... I can't  let boys ruin me especially now we're on tour." I sigh and laugh.

"C'mon its Aaron" she smirked

"Nope not at all." I say.

"Fine." She laughs.

I go up to my room and put my phone on charge. I had a message from Aaron:

Hey, the MAGCON tour is legit like 3 days away now I was wondering if I could meet you on the day we leave at yours so we can meet the rest at the airport or wherever together.

I read it and smiled.

Awhhhhhhhh he wants to go with me.

Yeah you can come round a few hours before we have to leave.

He immediately replies

Thanks is 10 am ok?

Yea see you then.

Bye :)

Then I decide to call VS.

"Hello" the person on the other line says

"Hi it's Lauren I was just ringing to let you know that I would love to be one of your models."

"Ahh Lauren! Ok that's perfect. Actually we have a new clothing line... Would tomorrow at 10 am work? And we will talk about everything before the shoot."

"Yes that's perfect! Thank you! Bye"



I cant believe I'm now a VS model!

I run upstairs and burst into Bernice's room.

"Ok ok ok guess what!" I say excited


"Ima be a VS model and my first shoot is tomorrow at 10!l"

We both squeal in excitement.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing!" She tells me

"Thank you." I smile "have you packed for MAGCON yet?" I ask

"No not yet have you?"

"I'm just about to yeah." I smile.

I grab a small suitcase and my vans bag and pack a few clothes/outfits and shoes and any extra accessories and makeup.

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