Chapter 6 :)

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I stood up shaking a little bit then got myself together. I ran over to the bed and literally jumped on all of them.
"Ahhhh you're here!" I screamed.
They all laughed at me. Sorry if I waited 4 years to meet you! We all positioned ourselves in a circle on the floor and just started to catch up on everyone's lives. I found out that they were all living in a beach house just down the road from us which is pretty cool. I told them that I've already met Aaron and what we did the other night. They screamed. Then I told Ashlyn and Aya that Aaron lives with Cameron and Jacob and they screamed even louder. It was really funny. We were all just sitting there taking about everything when my phone pings. It was a message from Aaron saying:

My world:
Hey baby ;) tomorrow you and Bernice can come round mine at about 10 am. We're all having a little get together maybe going in the pool. You in? Xx

Yeah I'm up for it! Can I invite a few extra people as well?

My world:
Sure ;) xx

I read the message then found my charger and plugged it into the socket and charged my phone.
"Okay guys I have news!" I kinda shouted because it was pretty loud. The room went silent.
"Okay so Aaron just asked if we all wanted to go round his tomorrow morning at about 10 because all the Magcon boys are having a little 'gathering'."  making air quotes when I said gathering. "But I denied it and said we were busy." I continued.
I heard a few "what? No!" And "how could you BETCH"
Then I shouted " joking Betches! Who's up for a sleep over at ours tonight then?"
Everyone shouted me and then it was settled. For the rest of the night we just watched some movies and ate a lot of food. We ordered pizza and I swear Ashlyn pretty much ate all of it! That girl freaking loves pizza. Very quickly it became 11 pm and I decided to get my beauty sleep and so did everyone else since we have to be out the house by 10. Night ;).

*next morning*

I woke up to the sun light beaming in my eyes. I put my arms over my head and stretched them. I looked around the room and noticed no one was awake. I checked the time and it was 7:30 am. I really need to stop waking up early. I went to find some paper and when i did I wrote a note saying:

'Taking a shower. Bathroom is occupied.'

And stuck it on the bathroom door. I went back in my room making sure to be extra quiet so I didn't wake anyone up, opened my wardrobe and found the perfect outfit to go over my perfect bikini.(outfit and Bikini in picture)

I walked back into Bernice's room and went into the bathroom. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and put them to one side so I didn't get them confused with the dirty clothes. I turned the knob which cause the cold water to run out of the shower head quickly. I waited a few seconds for the water to warm up then I stepped in.
I wet my hair before putting my lush shampoo in. I massaged it into my head then rinsed it all out. I then put in some herbal essences conditioner. While I was waiting for that to soak in I washed my body with the lush body wash named 'the comforter' once again. I then rinsed all the conditioner out of my hair and turned off the shower and grabbed my head towel that I wrapped around my head and then I grabbed my main towel for my body. After I dried myself I put on my bikini and my outfit. I walked out to see everyone awake accept Ashlyn and Rita.

I woke up Ashlyn and Rita and told the girls to go to their house and get their swimsuits and outfits on and meet me and Bernice back here once they were ready. All the girls went back to their house and got ready while I waited for Bernice to get ready.

*and hour and a half later*

There was a knock at our door. I knew it was the girls so I called Bernice and got up from the sofa and let them in. I grabbed my small bag that has little supplies in them just in case it's the time of them month, pants, my phone and keys.

We decided to walk to Aaron's because it was a nice day and only like a 10 minute walk.

We left the house and started walking. I knew the way so I basically lead the group there. The whole time Ashlyn was freaking out about meeting Cameron, Aya was freaking out about meeting Jacob and Bernice was freaking out about meeting Shawn. It was so funny. The rest of us were just laughing at what they were planning to say and do to win them over. I do love my girls.
A/N You'll meet them in the next part promise ;) ugh help me get the word out about this please! I would like more people than just the fam on the app to read this? Too much to ask? Idk :) xx hope this was good...

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