Chapter 16 :)

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A/N: before I start Ik I said my phone was taken away. It was but I legit have it back for 5 mins so enjoy! And idk how long I won't have it for... ;)

*Lauren's POV*

Yay! Today is the first proper day in Disney land! Today we're just gunna go to a random park and just go on random rides. To be honest we don't have this whole thing planned out but oh well.

It was 6 am and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one awake because well who else gets up this early?! (A/N comment if your an early bird like me lmao or nah idm *INSERT A LAUGHING FACE EMOJI THEN IDEK OK CONTINUE...*)  I want to go take a shower. Is it just me or do you get nervous when you have to turn on a different shower than your own? No.... Ok well I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to turn it on.

Skip shower

I got changed into a Mickey Mouse cropped top, shorts, roshes, a necklace and a new phone case. 

I quickly curled my hair and then painted my nails all fancy kinda, (outfit in pic :)) after I was ready I just plugged my phone charger into the wall and charged it, laid back onto the bed and went on social media.

Then it hit me.

Fudge. Wait no fudge didn't hit me but you get it it's a substitute for a very bad word :)

No one actually knows about me and Aaron. Can't wait for all the hate. Honestly all I'm asking for is some positive comments on us but idk....

And to be honest recently I just feel like I should be quieter and kinda hide in the background because i don't know I just feel like that's what I should do and where I belong so I might do that today... :(

"What are you thinking about babe?" Aaron asked. His morning voice is so freaking sexy.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I replied.

I could tell he was to tired to argue so he just nodded his head. We're on holiday for goodness sake I don't want to make anything major.

*Aaron's POV*

I grabbed my phone and sent out a group message to the guys:

Hey I don't want to give Lauren any trouble ok? Think about what she's been through for the past month and how I messed up. I want this to be a stress free vacation ok?

A few seconds after I got some replies.

Ok bro that's fine

Yeah same.

Yeah no way is she getting trouble

Yeah k


I just smiled knowing that this is gunna be the best.

*Lauren's POV*

*like 2 ours later*

We all met up in the restaurant thing in the hotel to eat breakfast together. I basically had everything there. I ate so much but that's just me:).

The parks are legit a 5-10 minute walk so we all decided to walk and it was pretty fun. I got to know the boys that I didn't speak to that much a bit more and it's all good.


A/N: k sorry it's long. It was another filler I think there will be more drama in the next chapter so ...


This is reality//MagconNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ