Chapter 18 :)

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*Lauren's POV*

"LAUREN! WHY TF ARE YOU IN HERE NOODLING WITH HIM!?" Aaron asked... Well shouted.

I just laughed at the word noodling. Then looked at myles and mouthed
'It's ok don't worry' and he just nodded.

"ANSWER ME!" Aaron shouted again.

"Well, bitch." I started "if you weren't too busy ignoring me and having "fun" (I said with air quotes) with poppy you would have known I left by myself- Alone- not knowing where I was going. I could have got raped. But don't worry you wouldn't have cared anyway. Luckily I bumped into myles and he helped me. So that's what I was doing. Thank you." I said but then sighed.

Aaron's face dropped and he kinda looked hurt but idk. He walked out the room covering his face...

Is he crying?

I just sighed again and said "hey cam please sort him out and tell him I'll talk to him in a minute."

"Ok." He nodded.

*Cameron's POV*

I walked into Aaron's room and he was crying hard. And I mean hard.
"Hey calm down its ok. It's not like she had sex with him they're just friends" I reassured him.

"Fuck Cameron. I messed up again. Poppy was just a fan and she was nice. She's just a friend. That's all. I'm so stupid for not noticing that she was flirting with me. I'm so stupid for not noticing she left and not talking to her and just ignoring her. I didn't realise she felt this way. I shouldn't have shouted at her like that when this iS MY FAULT . AND I FUCKED UP. AGAIN!" Aaron said now balking his eyes out. He's so upset. I've never seen him like this.

"Aaron please calm down and I'm sure you and her can sort this out. She said she would talk to you when you calm down."

*Lauren's POV*

A tear fell out of my eye but i wiped it away.
"Hey myles. I kinda need to sort this out or at least talk to him. I'll be back in here in a sec." I hugged him quickly then walked into my room.

Aaron looked up instantly and smiled "Laur-" u cut him off.
"Aaron save it. I don't know what this was. But I just want you to think about this. I need to think about this. I want you to think about if you truly love me or if you have feelings for her. I want to give you a break for your own sake. Just please think about it and we can properly talk about all this tomorrow night after we think. Ok?"

I gave him a hug and he hugged back tightly. Like he never wanted to let me go.

"Aaron I love you" I whispered into his ear. "But we just need to take a break right now ok."

"I love you too Lauren." And I felt something wet onto my head. His tear.

I pulled apart and kissed him, turned around and walked out the room. I just sighed for the 10th time today and grabbed my phone and put my songs on shuffle. Bassline by Kalin and myles comes on and I smile and get up and start dancing. So does he. We start singing and he has the best voice everrrrrrr. He sang my favourite bit:

Let me see you shakein like a salt shaker,
I got time now and I got later,
I been single but I might date her,
If she keep doin that thing right there.

Ugh it was amazing. I just kept laughing so hard and he did as well. As this but if the song came on:

I see the way that you watching my hips,
Tell me if you think you think you can handle it,
DJ can you run that back 1 more time,
I love the bassline.

I started moving my hips and myles came over and put his hands on them and we danced in time. He pulled me in closer when it sang:

She took it down to my....

And I just laughed and so did he. Jesus he kills me. The song died down and the next song was lay me down by Sam smith. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Our faces got close and closer until our foreheads touched.

He tilted his head slowly and so did I. Then Before I knew it... We kissed. He's such a good kisser but he's nothing like Aaron. We pull apart and both smile. My knees started to shake a bit but I steadied them.

His smile actually makes me weak. OML.

We do the same dance again but to California king bed by Rihanna this time.

"Hey, I should go it's getting late." Myles said when the music finished.

"Can't you stay." I said way to quietly.

"What was that?"

"Never mind." I said then turned around and got my pyjamas.

"You want me to stay? Good cause I wanted to!" He laughed.

"Ok cool!" I smiled.

I came out the bathroom in an oversized top and saw him laying shirtless in bed.


His abs.

Honestly I miss Aaron even tho he has hurt me really bad and he is legit next door😂.

But right now Myles  is making me feel like a princess and treating me better than Aaron. I got into bed and myles spooned me and I instantly fell asleep...


A/N: k cool hope this was good. I have A LOT of ideas rn so yeah :) ❤️

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