Chapter 59 :)

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It's been a few months.

I've recovered from all the shit

And I've quit my job as a model and I only sing for myself now.

I am not part of the MAGCON tour

But I am still close with all the boys and girls and I'm still dating Aaron.

Right now, I'm happier than ever.

I barley go on social media now and I don't give two fucks about what people think of me.

Because it ruined me.

And I need to live life.

The way I want to.

There's a knock at my door and its Aaron.

"Hey princess" he hugs me and spins me around


"Christians new movie is out on Netflix now, wanna watch it?"


"Come one then" and he leads me up to my own room.

We lay on my bed and start the movie.

And as I'm laying next to Aaron, I think.

About how lucky I am.

To have to bestest friend in the whole world, and to have been able to meet her and have amazing memories and times with her, and there's definitely more to come.

And how lucky I am to have met my other internet besties.

And lastly to be great friends with all the boys and that I am Aarons girlfriend.

I am so so so lucky.

I've been through a lot with these people. But I've loved every second.

And as I'm laying here,

I realise that this is not a dream,

And in fact,

This Is Reality.

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