Chapter 26 :)

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*Lauren's POV*

Amy, Lucy, Ellie and I are having so much fun here.

I don't know it just brings back memories of a few years back when I was dreaming about this.

We saw an ice cream shop and Amy literally screamed


Everyone was staring and I was so embarrassed but it was funny.

We ordered our ice creams and drinks and sat at a table. While we were waiting I decided to go and get some napkins.

I walked over and tried to grab the napkins but they wouldn't come out.

So I looked at Lucy and she was laughing at me.

OML this brought back the moment when we went to the cinema...😂

Just saying you had to be there...

Anyway she walked up and helped me get them out.

We went back down and sat at the table.

Our drinks and ice cream was there so we just ate.

"Ok after this I'm gunna see if there is a spare room in this hotel so I don't have to sleep in someone's room because I don't want to be questioned. And then I'll book a flight home to LA." I said.

"Yeah I'm cool with that." Ellie replied.

"Wait... Ok never mind yeah that's fine." Lucy said.

"But when I do see Aaron... Watch out..." Amy said.

I just laughed.

"This time I'll let you beat his ass. I know you can. He won't stand a chance. And Lucy... You will be able to meet them at some point, but right now I'm sorry I just can't you know deal with all this" I told her.

"Yeah no I totally understand. Honestly I'd rather not meet them and know that your ok then meet them and you feel uncomfortable." Lucy replied.

"Thanks a lot." I smile.

By the time we had finished our ice creams, Amy and Ellie had it all around their mouths.


Me and Lucy were just laughing at them and pointing at our mouths until they realised what we meant.

*at the hotel*

"Excuse me? I was just wondering if you had a spare room that I could stay in just tonight and the morning? I'll pay for it. It's only because... Well things have happened and I'm leaving tomorrow... Is there a room we can all stay in for the night please?"

I ask the lady at reception.

After I asked she did all these things in her computer then looked back up at me.

"Uh yes we do. And don't worry you don't have to pay. I know your uncle and he's cool it's all good. Um is floor 5 room 528 ok?"

"Yes that's perfect thank you very much!" I replied.

Did I forget to mention my uncle is the head chef and looks after all the chefs in the whole of Europe and America?

I didn't.

Well yeah he's pretty big.

She handed me the key and I asked for a copy of hunter and Brandon's room key do we could get our luggage out and move it and surprisingly she said yes.

We all thanked her and made our way upstairs.

We moved all our luggage from my room and hunters room back up to our room.

It was hard work but managed to do it before they all came back to the hotel.

We got into our room and I had to share a bed with Lucy and Ellie had to share a bed with Amy because there were only two beds.

I don't know what the others were doing at this point but I plugged my phone on charge and saw I had a whole bunch of messages.

I read a few and they were all pretty much like:

'I thought you were in our room? Where are you?'

'Why aren't you in anyone's room?'

'Where did you go?'

'Where are you?! I'm worrying so bad now tell me where you are'

'I'm sorry for the shit I gave you. I'm so so sorry just please tell me where you are! Like seriously please give me on chance I miss you! And I can't loose you now. Please just tell me your ok.'

'I know you've been having a hard time but just please tell me you haven run away or killed yourself'

'Look Lauren. I know we don't talk much. But your really cool. And we are all worried sick. I understand if you don't want anyone to know where you've gone or why but I just want to know if your safe. Please call me or text me back.'

Woah ok.

Jack G sent me that last one.

Honestly I don't want to tell everyone where I am or whatever and I don't want to talk to them but I decided to ring jack and just tell him I'm safe but I'm not gunna be around for a while.

I told the girls I was ringing him and told them I wanted them to be quiet and not give out any info.

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ri-*

"Oh my gosh Lauren?! Are you ok? Where are you? Why?!" Jack immediately  asked.

"First of all I'm not telling you any of that. Secondly you sent me a text saying stuff so imma tell you a few things and thirdly either put me on speaker or tell the others what I am about to say to you." I replied.

"Ok your going on speaker were all here."

He put me on speaker and I started to speak

"Ok so I ain't gunna tell you where i
am or what I'm doing or why blah blah blah but all you need to know is that I'm safe but you won't be seeing me around for a lil bit..."

I paused then ended the phone call.

"Ok that was hard" I laughed.

"Why you only told them your safe."
Amy said to me.

"Yeah but still... I thought they actually cared but yeah whatever. I booked a flight for early in the morning so yeah. We need to leave here by 3:30 to get to our plane on time." I smiled

They all nodded their heads and we all started talking about boys and and boys and more boys.

It's so good to have them with me right now.

I missed them a lot.


A/N: yeaaaaaaaaaa.

Kinda a filler but sorry if it was boring.

This whole book is.

Anyway let's get to like a certain number of reads for me to update my next chapter😊

So get everyone to read it and share.





This is reality//MagconOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora