Chapter 46 :)

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'Beep beep beep beep bee-'

I throw my alarm clock across the room hoping it would shut up, until it hit my wall and fell to the floor.

That didn't shut it up.

I groaned and got out of bed and turned my alarm off.

That's when it hits me


Bernice stayed at Shawn's last night so they could go to the airport together like me and Aaron.

But I think most of us are on different planes so we're basically meeting at the hotel.



Well we're only going to America and England because they were super popular a few years back...(A/N: it's weird writing in the future kinda😂 anyway)

I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom.

I turned on my shower and while I was waiting for it to warm up, I put my music on.

I got in washed my hair and body, stepped out, put some lotion on, cleaned my teeth and did my hair.

I just grab a simple outfit because  we are going on a plane. (Outfit in pic)

I check the time and see I have an hour before Aaron gets here. And I'm pretty much ready.

Hey you can come over earlier of your ready idm✨

I grab my charger and run downstairs. I plug in my charger and put my phone on charge.

Ok Im ready so I'll be right over😘

I look at the message and turn off my phone. I turn on the TV and catch up on Geordie shore.


There's a knock at my door so I open it and see Aaron.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hi" he smiles back.

I move out the way to let him in and I shut the door and we both sit on the couch.

"Geordie shore huh?" He laughs

"Yeah" I giggle.

"Aaron is so fit. I would definitely bang him" he smirks

"Oh wow" I laugh

As it finishes I look at the time and see we need to be going.

"You ready?" I ask

"Yup" he pops the p

We call an uber and get our luggage and stuff ready.

The uber gets here pretty quick and we get in and tell them the info blah blah blah.

We get to the airport around 11 so fairly early and the plane leaves at 12 so we start boarding at like 11:45? 11:30? Whenever they call our flight. Lol. Anyway.

Me and Aaron are sitting down both on our phones... Sociable... Not... Until I hear some faint screams getting louder and louder. I turn my head and see like 20-30 fans running towards Aaron.

"Omg I love you so much!"

"Can I have a picture!"

"Is Lauren your girlfriend again?!"

"Where are you going?!"

I hear a lot of these at the same time. I just laugh and shake my head. I used to be like this. 😂. As Aaron was signing things, taking photos and answering questions a few girls came up to me and said

"Can we have a picture with you too! We love you Lauren and your photoshoots and your new one with VS I can't believe your a VS model!" On girl said.

I laugh and say "me?" I didn't realise the shoot came out that early again.

"Yes you! We love you!"

"Ok thanks but I don't really do much" I laugh "I'm quite boring"

"No your not! You went out with Aaron and Ethan and your a model and your drop dead gorgeous!" The other girl said

"Ok if you want" I smile and they hand me their phone and we take a few photos and they ask me to sign a few things. I can't stop smiling knowing that some people don't hate me.

They all went when we heard our plane being called.

"What's this about your VS photoshoot huh?" Aaron asked smirking

"Ok ok I'm now a VS model permanently." I sigh

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I don't actually know." I laugh "but I feel like the only person I can tell stuff to is Bernice because everyone else will Judge me and..." I paused

"Carry on" he tells me

"We're gunna be late for the plane I'll tell you then" I smile and walk off

"LAUREN!" He shouts sighing... 

"Come on!" I shout back

I hear him laugh and he catches up with me.


We eventually get on our plane and we put or carry ones in the bag holder things above us and sat down. I was nearest to the window and Aaron's seat was on the end.... And I think some one was in between us....


"So Lauren before the other person gets here continue what you were gunna say"

"I can't remember" I lie

"Yes you do now tell me please."

"Fine. As I was saying, I feel like Bernice is the only person right now I feel comfortable talking to about stuff." I sigh " I dunno why I'm saying this but... Never mind" I sigh and look away

"Yes I will. I will be there when Bernice isn't. Tell me everything. Pretend I'm Bernice. If it's something so bad and you don't even want to tell me, tell me I'll be here I won't judge. I love you Lauren I wouldn't do that. Even if it's about me." He pauses "tell me"

I smile and thank him.

A girl around my age maybe 18,19? Comes over. Few years younger than Aaron but a few older than me.

She puts things in the over head bag thingy while she says

"Hi sorry I think I'm meant to be sitting in between you gu-" she pauses when she looks down at us.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Your Aaron carpenter! I love you!" She almost squeals and Aaron says

"I love you too."

But then her face drops and she sits in between is completely turning her back to me and says

"No you don't"

Then Aaron has a kinda fake shocked happy sad face like "oh why would you say that!" Face but a "why would you say that" not angry/offended shocked like a sad shock.... I think you get it

Then he said

"What? I do love you!"

"You can't love someone you won't remember." She fake cries

What the hell ok Lauren don't judge.

"Aww come here." He brings her into a hug and continues "I will remember you."

She instantly stops crying and smiles. She moves the arm rest up so there's nothing separating her and Aaron and snuggles into him and brings her legs up onto the seat and kicks me

"Ow" I say

"Oh sorry" she says and gives me a sarcastic smile I just roll my eyes.

"What's your name babe" Aaron asked her

"O. M. G. Aaron just called me babe! My names Shannon" oh who does this remind me of?

Take a fucking guess 


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