Chapter 48 :)

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I get to the hotel and a few people are there already. The jacks are here, matt and Carter are here and so is cam and Nash.

"Hey where's Aaron?" Carter asks

"Don't care" I say and plop on the sofa in reception.

"Uh o." Cam says

"What?" Nash asks

"They've obviously had an argument! Can't you tell...seriously dude!" He replies

"I can hear you" I say.

"Oh sorry" cam nervously smiles "we're just Waiting for everyone to get here which should take an hour no longer then we will get sorted into our rooms."

"K" I reply.

Aaron, hunter and Brandon all walk in together. I just mentally roll my eyes and ignore everyone.

I'm not in the mood.

Then three girls walk into the room. I turn my head and see AMY LUCY AND ELLIE THANK THE LORD THERE HERE! I forgot they were coming... Whoops...I run over to them engulfing them in a big hug. "I'm so glad your here right now."

"What happened?" Lucy asked

"Do I need to kill a bitch" Amy asked

"I'll tell you later and maybe" I laugh.


"Rooms are"

Lauren, Amy, Lucy, Ellie,
Blah blah blah

I stopped listening after I knew I was in a room with them. My friend Madeleine should be at the next stop.

We got our room key and got up to the room. Do usual, unpack blah blah blah.

Then I tell them what happened with Aaron because they were bugging me about it.

"And yeah basically that's it." I sigh

"Fucking Shannon And poppy what the hell is wrong with this world!" Amy shouted

"Ooh Calm down Amy" Ellie laughed

"Sorry sorry" Amy said

"We're Meant to be going out later to somewhere and guess what" I said

"What" they said in unison

"Ima slay like I always do and show him what he's missing" I smirk.

"YESS BITCH!!" Amy shouted

"YES YES OML YES!" Lucy shouted too then she continued "but why take him back?"

I sigh and say "I'm living life. I ain't got time for all this. Get me? Can't be asked with all this drama anymore."

"And you be slaying with me" I smirk

I hear a knock on the door and open it. It's Chris (A/N:Chris miles)

"Hey" I smile "what's up."

"Just letting you know we're going to this restaurant bar entertainment  thing in like 3 hours and I know it takes ages for you to get ready so." He chuckled "come to my room after your ready ok?"

"Shut up" I laughed Hitting him on the arm lightly. "Thanks, we will." I say and shut the door as he walks away

"We have three hours to slay like boss ass bitches ok ok let's do this" I say.

We all get up and get our clothes makeup nail stuff hair stuff and everything and through it all on. But obviously carefully COZ if i need to slay and show Aaron What he's missing so do ma gurls.... And Lucy needs to slay for hunter so... We all slay.




I kinda decide to go with a decent outfit, not to over the top, not to underdressed.... Yeah you decide... Lmao: my outfit:

(Basically the girl in the right corners outfit:)))))))

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(Basically the girl in the right corners outfit:)))))))

"Ready girls?" I smirk

"Ready" they all smirk and say in unison.

We walk to Chris' room and he's sharing one with Aaron and Cameron.

Hell yeah.

I knock and Chris answers.

"Heya. You look great." He says making that kinda face where it's like "you smokin" like that oo ohhh face ok ok.

"Thank you" I smile

"And so do you." He says to the girls. They all reply with thanks and then cam comes up and says "who looks great?" Then he looks at me and says "woah you do." He laughs then whispered "Aaron needs to step up his game" and I laughed

"I know I know" I laughed.

We walked in and i saw Aaron's jaw drop.

Mission accomplished.

I can't stand him.


Just ignore him he hurt you.

But still slay.

But don't show him you care

Because honestly, you don't anymore

I smile then smirk

Thanks voice in my head. I think and laugh.

"Why you laughing?" Aaron asks

I didn't answer.

I didn't even look at him

"Why you laughing" Chris asks

"Just talking to myself" I laugh

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