Allied Forces vs. the Oración Seis

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A/N: Just want to thank you guys for the support!! Here's the next chapter . . .


"I didn't expect this at all." Erza said, mainly to herself.

The four legal guilds that made up the Allied Forces thought they had a master plan.

But they were wrong.

A Couple of Hours Earlier . . .

"So how are we going to stop the Oración Seis?" Hibiki asked.

"I'm more worried about this 'Toxin' woman." Erza mumbled. "I get the feeling that she will be the most challenging."

"I just hope I don't run into her." Lucy sighed.

"I do!" Natsu grinned. "I wanna fight her!"

"Perhaps we should attack them by surprise." Jura suggested.

"A surprise attack sounds perfect! Men!" Ichiya agreed, spinning around.

"We've actually got a ship that will help us get to them quicker than on foot." Hibiki said.

"Wait, how's a ship going to help?" Lyon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a magical flying ship called Christina." Ren answered.

"And Jura, you know where the Oración Seis are?" Erza furrowed her eyebrows.

"I know the area they are in, yes." Jura nodded.

"Alright!" Natsu shouted excitedly. "Let's go kick us some Oración Seis butt!"

The plan was a good plan.

And it would have been effective.

If only the Oración Seis hadn't known about the surprise attack in advance.

How did they find out?

Two of Angel's celestial spirits, the Gemini (♊) twins, had been sent to spy on the Allied Forces.

Since they were tiny, it was easy for them to be unseen and listen to the mages discuss a plan of action.

Knowing about the legal guilds' plan, the Oración Seis waited for the doers-of-good to appear on the cliff where their precious ship Christina was waiting.

Once they saw the Allied Forces gathering on the cliff, Angel's spirit Caelum destroyed the ship, causing it to explode.

The dark mages appeared amongst the smoke of the explosion, grinning evilly at the shocked looks on their opponents' faces.

Now, the Allied Forces and the Oración Seis were having a faceoff.

This was a battle between good versus evil.

Dark versus light.

Humanity versus destruction.

The devils versus the angels.

The showdown was about to begin.

Who will make the first move?

And who will win?

Which side will come out on top?

After narrowing her eyes at the enemy for a few seconds, Lucy noticed something."Wait, there's only six of them!" She counted the number of enemies in front of her.

Brain chuckled at the blond's words. "As much as Toxin loves meeting new faces, she won't be joining us." He said, then glared sharply at the legal mages. "There's no need for her to show her face to filthy flies like you."

"Oh yeah?" Natsu shouted, a vein appearing on his forehead. "We'll see about that!" He began running toward the dark mages, his fist covered in flames and ready to attack. "Fire Dragon's-"

He was cut off by a foot to the stomach.

Given by none other than Cobra.

He's . . . . fast. Natsu groaned in his head, his eyes widened in surprise.

"God, your voice is so loud, I wish I couldn't hear it." Cobra groaned in disgust.

Natsu fell back on his rear, coughing from the short term lack of air.

"Natsu!" Happy and Gray shouted, coming to his rescue.

Then after a second, they were both knocked back by a quick and powerful kick.

It was Racer.

"Too slow." Racer grunted.

Where did he come from? Gray growled in annoyance.

"Requip!" Erza, upon seeing her friends get attacked, requipped into one of her many armors. "Heaven's Whe-"

She stopped talking when she noticed that she was . . . shrinking?

No, she was being pulled down by a force.

"What in the-" The redhead gaped as she looked down.

She was sinking into the Earth.

"Sometimes all you need is hard earned money and you can practically do anything you want!" Hoteye smiled.

Every single member of the Allied Forces was currently sinking into the ground.

"W-What's happening?" Lucy squirmed.

"This is so not love!" Sherry huffed.

"I can hear your confusion and frustration." Cobra smirked devilishly at the legal guild members. "It's amusing."

"It's a shame that none of you are as beautiful and majestic as we are." Angel hummed.

"Their failure is due to a lack of money!" Hoteye chuckled. "You need money in order to be successful!"

"Quiet, Hoteye." Cobra and Racer growled in unison.

"Remember this, children of the light!" Brain raised his voice to make the announcement. "You cannot defeat us. All of our members weren't even in play and we still mopped the floor with you. Realize your place beneath us, like the insects you are."

With that being said, Brain walked away from the scene, the other Oración Seis members following behind him.

They certainly are powerful. Erza thought. If the ordinary members are this strong, just how strong is Toxin?


A/N: Get ready to meet Toxin (a.k.a. you) next chapter!

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