A New Reason to Live

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"I'll do anything for my love."

Your eyes widened as you gasped. Love? You felt a stinging in your eyes that you hadn't felt in years. Then you felt something run down your cheeks. Am I . . . crying? Your breath hitched in your throat as all of the old emotions that you had supressed for years finally came to the surface.

"I didn't know you two had this kind of relationship." Midnight commented.

"Me either." Racer grunted.

"Is this going to interfere with our plans?" Angel asked, tilting her head to the side.

Contrary to their current attitudes, the other Oración Seis members were shocked to find out that (1) you and Cobra were apparently dating, and (2) you were showing emotion by crying your eyes out.

"Screw the plans!" Cobra growled, his face going back to be buried in your neck.

This time Angel, Midnight, Racer, and Hoteye showed their surprise.

"What?" Angel gasped.

"You can't be serious." Racer said.

"Oh my!" Hoteye's eyebrows were raised.

"Cobra," Midnight called, somewhat growling. "what about our prayers?"

Cobra was silent for a moment. His arms tightened yet again around you before he spoke, "My only prayer now is to be with Toxin for the rest of my life."

You body began to shake with the overdose of emotions. Your legs gave way and you would have collapsed to the floor, but Cobra caught you and picked up your body. He held you in his arms bridal style.

You couldn't form a single word. You were utterly ashamed about finally being broken, the ice and wall around your heart finally melting and being shattered.

You couldn't stand to look at the so-called enemies who had just seen your weakest side. Closing your eyes, you buried your face into Cobra's chest.

"You guys can do what you want," Cobra said in a low voice, talking to the Oración Seis. "but leave Toxin and I out of it." He paused before he added, "We're done."

He slowly put one foot in front of the other, walking to Fairy Tail's entrance. Or what was left of it.

Everyone, friend and foe, watched him silently trudge through the guildhall. It was completely silent as Cobra moved.

That is, until Racer broke it.

"W-Where are you going?" He asked as if he had snapped out of a trance.

"Somewhere secluded." Cobra replied in a monotone voice. His face held a blank, yet determined, expression.

"What about us?" Angel asked.

"I told you, you can do what you want."

"But we can't fight all of these wizards without you two!" Angel raised her voice, "We need you!"

"Then don't fight." Cobra replied quickly. "'Cause I'm done fighting. I don't care about this fight anymore." He stopped walking just as he reached the outside of the building, and looked over his shoulder. "I just want to live peacefully with my girlfriend." A small smile appeared on his face as he said that sentence.

He immediately continued walking off.

"B-But . ." Angel stuttered.

"COBRA!" Racer shouted.

The Oración Seis watched Cobra carry you down the streets of Magnolia. They honestly didn't know what to do.

It felt weird not having a leader anymore.

"There's no changing his mind." Midnight spoke up.

Angel and Racer whipped their heads towards him. "Midnight!" Angel called, a scowl on her face. "Are you saying you're okay with this!?" Racer growled.

"It's their choice." Midnight replied, shrugging his shoulders. "That's the path they're choosing. And honestly, it doesn't sound so bad."

"MIDNIGHT!" Angel and Racer shouted in unison.

"I agree with Midnight." Hoteye declared.

"What is the matter with you two!?" Angel growled.

"Do you remember my prayer, Angel?" Midnight asked, glaring at her. "I just want a quiet place to sleep."

"And I want to see my brother again." Hoteye nodded his head in contentment.

"If you help repair the guildhall, I just might let you join Fairy Tail." Makarov said suddenly.

"WHAT!?" The legal wizards exclaimed.

"Now, now, remember my motto: yesterday's enemies can be today's friends." Makarov said, "Plus, I can sense that they've completely given up the will to fight."

"Y-You'd allow us . . . to join your guild?" Angel stuttered.

"After everything we've done?" Racer added.

"Of course!" Makarov hummed, "Think of it as us helping you atone for your sins." He glanced at the entrance. "And tell your other two friend that they can join too!"

Angel and Racer were hesitant on joining a legal guild, Fairy Tail no less. But they knew that they weren't strong enough to take on four entire guilds on there own.

And the six of you have been together for so long. It felt weird just thinking about all of you spliting up.

"Ugh." Racer groaned, turning to the streets of Magnolia. "Cobra," He shouted, earning the tanned-skinned male's attention. "where do you think you guys are goin'? Start your new life right here!"

Cobra raised his eyebrows, surprised. He looked down at yoh, wanting to get your approval before making a huge decision.

"Do you wanna stay here and join Fairy Tail?" He asked.

You moved your head back, away from his chest, and looked up at him. You weren't crying anymore, but your eyes were red from crying.

Honestly, you didn't know how you felt. It confused you that a guild which you practically destroyed wanted you to join them.

Who does that?

And you have killed so many people, even friends of Fairy Tail. How could they want you to be apart of them?

"I-I don't know." You mumbled, not looking at him. Despite your hesitation, you now wanted to be where ever it was that Cobra went. "But I'll join if you join."

He smirked at you. "As long as you're with me, I don't care where we are." Without waiting for you to respond, Cobra starting walking back toward the crumbled Fairy Tail guildhall.

"Heh," He chuckled lightly, "now we all have new prayers." Then he looked down at you and smiled, "We've got a new reason to live."


A/N: OMG, I hope that wasn't too rushed! 😱😱 Sorry if it is.

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now