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A/N: I don't know what came over me. The idea just popped into my head and I just went with it.


Natsu stood, glaring at you and ready to fight. He had just declared that he'd basically beat the snot out of you.

How funny is that?

With your magic, you could very well make Natsu have a heart attack. That would be like child's play for you. But just so you don't risk him recovering again, you'll have to kill the little healer girl.

Shouldn't be too hard. But remember, you can never underestimate your opponent. Even if your target is just a little girl.

"Hey Natsu, don't steal the spotlight!" Gray shouted angrily. "We were doing fine on our own!"

Natsu spun around, facing his guildmate. "Ha! Nice try, Popsicle Pants!" He laughed. "I totally just saved your half naked behind!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Wendy!" Carla cried.

Whilst Natsu and Gray were arguing like children, you took the opportunity to snatch Wendy.

Or rather, you were in the process of snatching her.

She was currently walking towards you stiffly. As if against her will, which it was because you were controlling her.

"Wendy, what's wrong?" Lucy asked.

"I . . . . I can't control . . . my movements." Wendy whimpered.

She continued her path, leading straight to you.

"You!" Natsu snarled through gritted teeth, now facing you. "What did you do to Wendy?!"

"Nothing yet." You shrugged. Wendy was now by your side, like a minion. Natsu clenched his fist and you could tell that he was about to attack you.

"Hand over Wendy right now!" He shouted, charging at you.

"I don't think so." You sighed.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!" Wendy shouted, unleashing her breath attack at the Allied Forces.

The Allied Forces were blown out of the cave, screaming as they went.

"Now before they come back." You mumbled to yourself, moving behind Wendy.

You saw that she was crying and shaking terribly, but you didn't care. She was of no use to you.

You grabbed her head, using your "inhuman" strength and turned her head to the side. A crack was heard and Wendy's body fell still. You released her head and her body fell to the ground.

"Heh, I've always liked how ruthless you are." Midnight smirked at you.

"Hmm, thanks." You said uninterestedly.

"Hurry up and get rid of them so we can continue with the ritual!" Brain growled. You mentally rolled your eyes. Just a little longer. You thought.

The Allied Forces came rushing back inside the cave, very much ready for a fight.

"Wen . . . dy . . " Carla sobbed, spotting the little girl's lifeless body.

All attention was drawn to Wendy and the Allied Forces' faces dropped. One in particular, Natsu, clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white and he gritted his teeth.

Flames rose from Natsu's feet, soon covering his entire body. Veins popped out of his forehead and neck. And those canine teeth of his seemed more present than ever.

With speed that was quicker than his earlier performance, Natsu charged at you. "Fire Dragon's Talons!" You stepped back, dodging his flame engrossed feet. But Natsu countered. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

You caught his fist in your hand, squeezing it. You could see him wincing slightly in pain. "I'm not a big fan of being hot, you know." You growled. Natsu smirked at your comment.

"Then why don't you cool off?" Gray said from behind you. "Ice Impact!"

You were crushed by the large amount of ice that had fallen on you. The two boys stepped back a few steps, knowing you weren't defeated.

And they were right.

The ice began to crack and soon it shattered completely. You stood tall in the same spot you were in before, as if the ice never fell on you. You sighed, tired of this fight already.

"Brain, we're getting out of here." You said.

"Excuse me?" He growled.

"I'm tired of this." You sighed. "It's boring. None of these people are a challenge to me."

"Then kill them!" He shouted.

"You know," You could feel heat rising in your body. Veins appeared on your neck and you gritted your teeth. "you just crossed the line. Don't shout at me. And don't tell me what to do. I don't take orders!"

"What did you-" Brain hissed, but was cut off. He clutched his chest, the left side where his heart was. His face was contorted in pain and he soon was hunched over before he finally collapsed to the ground.


You felt a weight being lifted off of your shoulders and you smiled. The Oración Seis members were shocked at what had just happened, their facial expressions clearly showing that.

"You . ." You turned your head and saw Natsu looking at you, just as shocked as your "guildmates." "You killed your own guildmate . . ?"

"Ha!" You laughed. "Brain was no guildmate of mine. I was planning on doing that eventually anyways."

"Y-You . ." Natsu stuttered, looking horrified.

"The way I see it now," You said. "this is a winner-take-all event."

You smirked at the horrified legal guild mages. "In this game, I'm the winner. And I fully plan on taking it all."


A/N: Okay so, I didn't intend to kill Brain as well. It just flowed that way. (●__●) I'm a very dark person, aren't I? Killing two people in one chapter . . . (」゚ロ゚)」
R.I.P Wendy and Brain (if you even care enough about Brain to mourn)

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن