The Twelve Zodiac Part 1

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"Okay, what's your news?" Makarov asked once all four groups got back from warning their assigned guilds about the Oraciòn Seis.

"Mermaid Heel has already been taken out, sir." Erza stated. "There aren't any survivors." She but her lip and balled her hand into fists out of anger. Kagura and Millianna were her friends, and to discover their dead bodies was traumatic.

"I see." Makarov nodded slowly. "Has any other guild been . . taken out?"

The others shook their heads.

"Sabertooth is still standing." Natsu said.

"So is Blue Pegasus." Levy said.

"Lamia Scale's good too." Bickslow added.

"Wonderful." Makarov sighed.

"So, what now?" Bacchus asked. "How do we find out who will be attacked next?"

"Good question." Makarov hummed. "Well, all of the guilds have been informed of the Oraciòn Seis' plans. We'll all be on high alert from now on. Nobody in this guild is to be by their self at any time, understand?"

"Yes!" The guild responded.


"We're back." Cobra announced in a monotone voice.

"You two were out together?" Racer raised an eyebrow.

"I was out for a walk when I saw Toxin coming back from Dark Abyss." Cobra lied with a shrug.

"Okay, well," Angel walked towards you. "I'm next, right? Who's the next target?"

"Hmm . . ." You hummed, thinking. "Western Junction."

"What kind of guild is that?" Midnight asked in disgust.

"I've heard of that guild." Racer answered, "It's a dark guild near Lamia Scale and it's full of Gun Magic experts."

"Is this how you plan to have the legal guilds find out about the attacks?" Hoteye asked you.

"If they don't know already, then yes." You replied.

"I guess, I'll get going." Angel sighed. "Thanks for the new magic, by the way." She waved at you before leaving.

Once you were all arrested, Angel's contracts with her Celestial Spirits (Gemini, Scorpio, Aries, and Cailum) were broken. She was no longer a Celestial Spirit Mage, but after you broke out of prison, you taught her a new magic that was similar to her old one.

"I'm gonna take a nap." You groaned as if you didn't want to.

"I want a shower." Cobra thought aloud.

You walked towards your room with Cobra following behind. Once the two of you were out of sight, he grabbed your wrist and pushed you into your room.

You were immediately pushed against the wall and his lips were pressed against yours in seconds.

You let it happen for a few seconds before pounding on his chest with your hand. Cobra obeyed and backed away, breaking the kiss.

"Don't do that." You somewhat growled. "I told you, I'm new at this. I just want to take it slow."

"Yeah, I know." Cobra nodded. "Sorry."

"Do it again and you won't live to see another day." You mumbled.

Cobra chuckled, "Heh, okay."

💫Flashback to Dark Abyss💫

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