For My Love

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Sting laid on the floor, unconscious, as well as Erza and Minerva.

You hadn't killed them yet, but you wanted their friends to think that they were dead. All three mages appeared to be dead, their skin very pale and their chests barely rising.

You walked over to the bar where Cobra was fighting solo against Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow, Natsu, Orga, and Jura.

Sting was helping, but he ran to help Minerva once he heard that she was in trouble.

You looked at the one versus seven battle, watching Cobra dodge attacks. However, he wasn't doing the attacking.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You thought. No matter how strong he is, he can't fight back against seven opponents. Then you smirked. At least, not with his magic.

"Lightning God's Bellow!"

"Supreme King Rock Crush!"

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

"Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

"Baryon Formation!"

"Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun!"

"Dark Écriture: Absolute Shadow!"

The wizards combined their attacks, sending them toward Cobra who simply glared at them.

That's when the attacks suddenly stopped halfway through its journey, before travelling upwards through the roof, which now had a massive hole.

"What just . ." Natsu breathed, gawking at the hole in the roof.

". . happened?" Bickslow finished Natsu's question, also gawking.

"Need help?" You asked Cobra with a smirk, appearing next to him.

The Poison Dragon Slayer looked at you, the anger in his eyes slowly vanishing. And, much to his dislike, he felt his cheeks warm up. A red blush covered his cheeks.

"I knew you liked her." A voice spoke up.

Cobra quickly turned his attention away from you, the blush vanishing, and saw Laxus smirking at him.

"Shut up." Cobra growled.

"Wishin' you two were alone right now, aren't you?" Laxus began to tease. "I can tell; you just wanna have a good, heated make out session with her, am I right?"

Cobra growled again and glared at Laxus, but it wasn't as intimidating this time because he also had a red blush again. He wasn't thinking about doing that with you, but now that Laxus had brought it up . . .

"And you can read minds too, right?" Laxus' smirk grew as he raised an eyebrow.

Cobra's blush deepened in color as he was forced to listen to Laxus describe, in his (Laxus') head, a vivid fantasy between you and him (Cobra).

Still standing next to Cobra, you were no longer in a good, or at least stable, mood. You kicked the male's leg and as he bend down a little from the pain (snapping out of his fantasy), you punched the back of his head. Cobra was pressed face down into the floor, creating a dent.

Laxus and the other six wizards stared jaw-dropped at you.

"What did you do that for!?" Natsu shouted, "Wasn't he your friend!?"

"That's none of your business." You snarled. "I knew I couldn't trust a man for anything."

"What're talkin' about?" Orga grunted.

"DIE!" You hissed, veins popping out on your forehead and neck. Your eyes dialated as well from pure anger. Your magic power started to glow around you. "ALL OF YOU TESTOSTERONE INFESTED INSECTS! DIE!"

You magic power was so strong that battles halted just to glance your way.

The members of the Oración Seis knew you were easily angered, but they had never seen you angry.

So, they, along with the legal guild mages, were shocked.

A dark and eerie aura surrounded the area and soon after, Laxus, Freed, Bickslow, Natsu, Orga, and Jura began gasping for air. They all clutched their necks, as if that would help, and fell to their knees.

"Laxus!" Evergreen shouted in worry. "Freed! Bickslow!"

"I removed the air from around them." Wendy spoke up.

You didn't ask the little girl to do that, but you're glad she did. "Good." You said, as a wicked smirk spread across your face. "That'll make this easier."

It started with Laxus. He began to violently cough, before spitting up blood. Soon, the other five males were doing the same thing.

"Jura!" Lyon shouted.

"Orga!?" Rogue watched in horror.

"Laxus." Makarov mumbled.

"Cough them up." You snarled, malice surrounding you and filling your voice. "Your liver, your kidneys, your intestines, all of your organs. Cough them up." You hardened your glare. "But save your heart for last."

The males continued to cough violently, blood appearing with every cough.

"S-Stop it!" Evergreen demanded, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You're going to kill them!"

"That's the plan." You growled, not bothering to look at her.

"Why?" She sobbed, "Why are you doing this!?"

Your eyes shifted over to the Fairy Mage. "I hate men." You stated bluntly. "And I made the mistake of thinking I could trust one."

"Not all men are the same." Mirajane spoke up.

Your eyes shifted over to the she-devil. "Is that so? What do you think a man thinks of when he first wakes up in the morning? Men can't control themselves against their lustful desires and it's disgusting." Your nostrils flared. "I'll rid this building of all the men, and then I'll deal with you women!"

You turned your attention to the six men who were coughing up pools of blood. You gritted your teeth at the mere sight of them. "Insects." You grumbled.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened and you turned your head slightly to see maroon hair.

Cobra was hugging you from behind, his face buried in your neck. He tightened his hold on you, trying to get you to calm down.

"I'm sorry." He said, his breath tickling your skin.

"What?" You gasped, your guard dropping for a moment. Then, it went back up. "Let go of me!" You shouted in anger, "Don't touch me!" You struggled and growled, trying to get out of Cobra's grip.

"It's my fault, isn't it?" He asked.

You stopped struggling, confused by his words. "What are you talking about?" You spat.

"I messed up." Cobra answered. "I promised you that I'd show you that all men weren't like those perverted old geezers, and I failed. I'm sorry." His grip on you tightened even more. "The truth is all men have a perverted side, but I'm not going to do anything that you don't want to do. I'll never force you. And I can wait as long as you want me to."

He lifted his head up, your (e/c) eyes meeting his purple ones. You were suprised to see a few tears leave his eyes. "So, please don't be mad. Let me have another chance because I . . . I really do love you. I'll do anything for you."

His voice got quieter, down to a whisper, "I'll do anything for my love."


A/N: Oooooo! 😮😮 Are you guys ready to switch sides from evil to good?? I think it's about that time! And I'm sure you guys wanna see more Cobra and Toxin romance 😉. Am I right?

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