The Snake Charmer

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You were embarrassed to admit it, but you had a problem. And why you didn't think of this for the past nine months is a mystery to you. However, you weren't completely alone. Erik had the same problem.

Neither one of you knew how to take care of a baby.

The next day, after you had given birth to Haru, you and Erik were woken up to the sound of a high pitched cry. In the same room as you, a few feet from the bed, was Haru who was crying in the crib that Mira bought for you.

However, you had no idea what to do.

"E-Erik," You stuttered, standing over Haru's crib. "what do I do?"

"How should I know?" He responded, sitting up in bed and running a hand through his bed head.

"You made him!" You exclaimed, looking over your shoulder at him.

"So did you." He also pointed out.

"Well, if you had put on a freakin' condom, then we wouldn't be in this situation."

"I-I was . . . i-in the moment." Your husband tried to defend himself, his cheeks turning red.

"You could've pulled out."

"D-Don't blame this on me! I-If you weren't being so cute, I could've controlled myself!"

"I AM NOT CUTE!" You shouted at him, but your loud voice only made Haru cry more.

You turned your attention from Erik to Haru, picking up the small child in your arms. "Why are you crying?" You mumbled, talking to the baby as if he could answer.

"Maybe he wants something." Erik suggested.

"Like what?" You turned around to face him, holding Haru close to you.

Erik just looked at you for a moment and then he smirked. "Like that." He said, pointing at his son.

You looked down, confused, and saw Haru's tiny hand clawing at your breasts. "I see." You mumbled, moving to sit on the bed.

As if you were alone in the bedroom, you removed your right arm from your shirt and set your right breast free from the clutches of the bra you were wearing. Erik stared at you in awe. S-She has no shame whatsoever. He thought. However, he quickly got over his amazement and started to become tempted by your sudden exposure of skin.

Haru quickly latched his mouth around your nipple, thoroughly enjoying himself as he was fed.

You felt someone's eyes watching you, and since your husband was the only other person in the room, it wasn't hard to figure out who it was.

"Is there a problem, Erik?" You asked, turning your head to look at him.

"You're too tempting." He replied with a smirk.

"I'm feeding our son. How is that tempting?"

"Just the mere sight of your boobs is tempting."

"Please refrain from using adult vocabulary in front of a child." You scolded.

"Yes, mom." Erik teased, getting off the bed and leaving the room to go to the kitchen.

Another Two Years Later . . .

"He's so adorable!" Erza sighed, a light blush on her cheeks as she watched a two year old Haru crawl around the guild.

Over the past two years, you and Erik have learned a lot about raising a baby.

Sleepless nights.

Countless diaper changes.

Sore nipples (Haru has a strong grip).

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now