Fairy Tail versus The Oración Seis

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"Why is Wendy here?" Erza glared at Cobra. "Answer me!"

"She's on our side now." Cobra smirked.

"This can't be real . ." Lucy said, her hands covering her mouth as she was paralyzed with shock. "It has to be some sort of illusion."

"No, it's her." Natsu said, glaring at Cobra. "This smell . . . it's definitely her."

"How's it goin', Fairy Tail?" Wendy greeted, showing her sharp canine teeth through a huge grin.

"Wendy . . . it can't be you . . ." Tears poured out of Carla's large brown eyes and streamed down her face.

At the bar, a low growl was heard. It rumbled deeply through the guildmaster sitting next to you, shaking the guild's walls.

"You dare bring that poor, innocent child back from the dead to haunt us?" Makarov growled, his body glowing and radiating magic power. "I hope you realize what a heavy price that is to pay."

"And what would the 'price' be?" You asked.

"Your life."

Makarov glared at you through the corner of his eye as you glared in return.

"What darkness plagues your heart so much," Erza asked, starting to requip into an armor. "that you have to cause so many tears to be shed and lives to be lost?" Once she was done talking, she had successfully requipped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"I swear on the name of Fairy Tail," She continued, "that you will meet your defeat by my blades."

Cobra smirked at Erza's claim. "Challenge accepted, Titania." I'll have to deal with her quick. I need to stay by Toxin's side. I have to let her know that she can trust me. Cobra glanced at you before turning his attention back to Erza.

"Are you ready, Lucy?" Angel smirked, waving Tora's card lightly.

"What about a rematch, Gray?" Racer growled, still bitter about his lost.

"Mirajane Strauss." Midnight said, suddenly appearing behind Mira with an intense presence. "Or should I say 'The Demon Mirajane'?"

"Hmm . ." Hoteye hummed. "Didn't you two belong to Phantom Lord?" He eyed Gajeel and Juvia.

"We did," Juvia stated, glaring at the large man. "but we are no longer Phantom wizards!"

Seems like everyone's paired up. You thought as you smirked.

"What're you grinnin' about?" Laxus growled, glaring down at you. Lightning bounced off of his body as tension filled the atmosphere.

"Nothing." You shrugged. "Just wondering how long it'll take me to kill you."

"Funny." He growled sarcastically, "Too bad it's never gonna happen."

"We'll see."

In the next few seconds, the battles began. People from Fairy Tail partnered or teamed up to fight an Oración Seis member.

Lucy, Levy, Jet, Droy vs. Angel:

"Scorpio!" Lucy summoned the zodiac spirit.

"Get him, Tora!" Angel commanded, referring to her former spirit.

"Solid Script: Bli-" Levy was cut off from her spell casting by a foot to the stomach. She flew back, crashing into a table.

"Levy, are you alright!" Jet and Droy shouted in unison, running to her aid.

Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Cana, Macao, Romeo, Wakaba vs. Midnight:

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now