A Feeling of Hope

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a long time. I've been focusing on tests and exams, trying to finish the school year strong! 💪🏽 Feels good to be done!

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You curled up in a ball, gripping your arms and digging your nails into your skin. You started reliving those scenes from the past. You could feel hands all over your body and hot breath against your neck.

Your breathing picked up, your chest rising and falling rapidly. And the wave of fear and anxiety, which you thought you buried long ago, resurfaced and you felt tears forming in your eyes.

But you won't cry. You refused to cry. You were not some weak little girl anymore.

You are Toxin.

Though no matter how many times you said that to yourself, those memories kept plaguing your mind. The fear and anxiety wouldn't leave. Your breathing rate was still rapid.

You felt like you were trapped inside a box. A pitch black box that prevented you from moving your limbs. It was so dark, you couldn't see anything around you.

You felt claustrophobic at the moment. Suffocating from darkness.

If you could see yourself in the current state you were in, you'd laugh. You spent years after your escape, locking these feelings away. And now, it seems like it was all for nothing.

A part of you blames Cobra. It was him who spoke those three words. You bet if he saw you right now, he'd take back those words in a heartbeat. This part of you is submerged in fear.

But another part of you is tired. It just wants to be rid of fear and anxiety, of the pain and trauma. It grows weary of this long path down the road of darkness and suffering.

Time to take a different route.


The Poison Dragon Slayer scratched at his wrists, a low growl escaping his mouth.

I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. He repeated over and over in his head. He regretted telling you that he loved you and was now too embarrassed to look you in the eyes.

Whenever he would actually get the chance to look at you, that is.

He probably just ruined whatever friendship he had with you. And now you probably hate him. You're probably disgusted by him. Appalled.

A wave of drowsiness hit his body. He was emotionally tired and drained. And he didn't hesitate to let sleep take him.

Maybe he'd have a pleasant dream.

His eyes snapping open, Cobra sat up with a gasp. His chest rose and fell rapidly. After getting over his state of shock or panic, the parasympathetic nervous system activating, he began to notice his surroundings.

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now