A Baby is Born

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A/N: Alright, guys, to keep things fair (and mainly because I didn't know what name to choose) I did a drawing using the names you suggested! Btw, my seriousness for this was on point. I blindfolded myself so that I wouldn't peak. Is that weird? Oh, well. Let's find out whose name won! 😁😁


"Are you ready?" Porlyusica asked, looking down at you.

You were lying face-up on the single bed in her house. Erik was to your left, holding your hand.

"Yes." You replied, taking a deep breath.

Time to find out your baby's gender.

Porlyusica rubbed some kind of gel on your stomach which made you squirm slightly because it was cold. Then she hovered a hand over your stomach and the gel started to grow a bright green color.

You and Erik watched in anticipation as Porlyusica closed her eyes and began to concentrate.

After an extremely long minute, she dropped her hand back down to her side and opened her eyes.

"So?" Erik questioned, wanting to know if the baby was a boy or girl.

The pink haired woman glared at your husband in irritation before calming herself. Though, only slightly.

"It's a boy." She finally said.

You raised your eyebrows while your husband grinned and whispered, "Yes! Erik, Jr. is on the way!"

You rolled your eyes at his excitement. Still don't know about another Erik running around. You groaned in your head.

"Well, now that you know the gender of your baby," Porlyusica spoke up, "GET OUT!" She grabbed a broom that was near the head of the bed and swung it at Erik. "GET YOUR PREGNANT WIFE AND GET OUT!"

"What the-" Confused by the sudden change in behavior, Erik was frozen for a moment before finally helping you off the bed and leaving the crazy, old lady's house.

While walking through the forest, back to Fairy Tail, Erik couldn't stop grinning.

"It's a boy, (Y/N)."

"I know, Erik. I heard her."

"We're gonna have a boy! And he's gonna be strong like me!"

"And annoying like you." You grumbled under your breath.

"Can you believe it? Me and little Erik?"

Again with this . .  You sighed before you stopped walking, making Erik stop too.

"What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly worried.

"Why do you want to name the baby Erik Jr. so badly?"

"Why don't you?" He countered your question with another question, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, wouldn't it be confusing when I called for either one of you? I'd say Erik and then you both would come running when I only needed one of you."

"Then . . ." You had a point, he had to admit that. He scratched the back of his head while he thought. Then a lightbulb went off on his head. "Why don't we call him E.J.?" He suggested with new excitement.


"Yeah, like all the other kids do when they're named after their father. Like T.J. or A.J."

"I've never heard the name E.J. before." You sighed.

"That's why it'll be special!"

You sighed again, tired. "I'll think about it." You said before trudging to the guild.

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin