The Book of Mythological Creatures

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One Week Later . . .

You were buried deep into research, trying to find something, anything, that could answer all of your prayers.

You have never read so many books in your life.

It was nice to learn of various myths, but you were getting frustrated because you hadn't found anything that would help the "six prayers".

But what if you couldn't have your prayers answered? Technically, Cobra, Racer, and Midnight had their prayers answered; Cobra could hear the voice of his friend (although Cubellios hasn't been seen since the Oraciòn Seis' arrest), Racer was already faster than anybody (although his magical weakness was discovered by Gray), and Midnight could sleep in a quiet place anywhere (although whenever he sleeps, it's always quiet because he's a deep sleeper).

So since half of you already have answered prayers, why try so hard? You've all had bad childhood experiences and have seen the true evil in this world.

So why not cleanse it? Why not rid the world of the evil, the bad, and rebuild the world in your image?

Destroy everything and remake it according to your desire.

And that's when you found it: The Book of Mythological Creatures.

"So, here's the deal," You announced. The six of you were gathered around a circular table as you spoke of your idea. "to sum everything up, I say we just destroy everything and remake the world in our image. We'll make the rules and we'll run the new world. No more Magic Council and no more magic for that matter. We'll be the only ones to have magic, that way no one can oppose us. What do you say?"

The room was silent as everyone thought about your idea.

"Can we really make it work?" Racer asked.

"I believe so." You answered.


"Each of us will have our own pet. I found a book that will make us Masters of any mythological creature that we want; the creature will obey our every command. And they will assist us in a fight. We'll have our magic and the abilities of our chosen pet."

"So these 'pets'," Angel asked, "they'll be ours forever?"

"Until the day you die." You nodded. "So choose wisely. Although, I think that I've chosen the perfect pets for you already."

"You have?" Cobra asked, surprised.

You didn't answer him. You only nodded. "Yours, Cobra, will be called a Cockatrice. It's a snake-like creature that kills it's victims with it's intense stare. Sound good?"

"Yeah." The Dragon Slayer nodded, glancing at your eyes. The (e/c) eyes were cold and emotionless; so unlike the same sparkling (e/c) eyes from his dream. He quickly looked down at his hands.

"Angel," You called, continuing. "I thought you might like to have a Pegasus, a white horse with wings. Seems pretty angelic to me." Angel seemed pleased with your decision.

"Midnight, for you, I chose a Minotaur. It has the chest of a man, but the head, arms, and legs of a bull. The Minotaur seems like a warrior to me; he can fight while you hang back. I wouldn't suggest sleeping though." Midnight rolled his eyes at your suggestion, but didn't object your choice of creature for him.

"Hoteye, I picked a Chimera for you. It has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a snake's tail. I wouldn't have chosen this particular creature if it didn't have a special ability. It breaths fire; flames that can even melt the Earth." The large male raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Racer, finding one for you was hard. I initially started looking for creatures with incredible speed, but being fast is your speciality. So I thought 'why not find a creature that's good at being a distraction'. I chose the Sphinx for you. It has the body of a lion, but the head of a man. It forces the target to answer it's riddles, and if the person doesn't, they drop dead. The Sphinx distracts and you attack."

"Sounds good to me." Racer shrugged.

"What about you?" Cobra asked quickly, not meeting your eyes.

"Me? You mean, my pet?" You raised an eyebrow. Cobra nodded. "I chose a Griffin for myself. It has the body of a lion, but the head and wings of an eagle. A true symbol of freedom." You continued.

"So, how do we get our pets?" Angel asked.

"A ritual." You replied with a small smirk.

Six incantations and six drops of blood later, the Oraciòn Seis now had personal pets that would appear when they were needed or wanted. The creatures stayed hidden in some part of the world, out of site from human civilization.

However, there was one flaw now. When Angel was arrested, her contracts with her celestial spirits was destroyed.

But not to worry. You told her of a new, yet similar, magic.

Now, the six of you need to train, to get better, to get stronger, so that if the Legal Guilds get in your way (which you know they will) the defeats that happened before (on your side) wouldn't happen again.

But you planned on surprising them; randomly showing up and wiping the guild out. Other guilds will hear about it and come looking for you in order to stop you and get revenge.

After a few legal guilds, you'll wipe out dark guilds. Getting rid of all magic.

The legal guilds and the dark guilds will eventually join forces in order to take out a common enemy.

You know all of that will happen. You anticipate it. So you've got to be prepared for it since you are the leader of the Oraciòn Seis.

The world of magic will fall right into your trap.

Snake Charmer [Cobra/Erik x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now