The Twelve Zodiac Part 2

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"Q-Quit playin' around!" The woman panicked, aiming her gun at Angel. She fired a shot, but the bullet never touched the intended target.

The woman stared in shock as she witnessed Saru protect his Master with his own tail. His tail was wrapped securely around the bullet, stopping it from hitting Angel.

"That wasn't very nice, dear." Saru shook his head. "Here, take it back." He threw the bullet back at the woman, hitting her in the forehead.

She fell to the floor, lifeless.

Murmurs started filling the room as people tried to figure out how they were going to get out of this situation alive.

"Y'all are actin' like a bunch of babies!" A large man, and a loud one, stepped forward with his gun ready. "I ain't afraid of no monkey!" He aimed his gun at Saru and fired.

The bullet, midway through flight, divided into two bullets. Saru, not expecting that, ducked down and out of the way.

The bullets landed in the guild's wooden walls.

"How do ya like my gun, Monkey Man?" The man asked very loudly. "Bet ya can't dodge two bullets forever!"

Angel rolled her eyes and groaned, "What a nuisance." She took out another gold card. "Open, Gate of the Dragon! Tatsu!"

"Yahooooo!" A red pet-sized dragon appeared. He did various amounts of loop-de-loops in the air before calming himself down.

"A dragon?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"Tatsu," Saru rolled his eyes, "you're as energetic as ever, I see."

"And you're still the same know-it-all monkey!" Tatsu replied.

"I prefer the term 'smart'." Saru glanced at his fellow celestial spirit, "A trait that you obviously lack."

Tatsu gasped, "That's so mean!"

"Saru, Tatsu," Angel called. "Burn this place to the ground and everyone in it."

"Yes, ma'am!" Both spirits answered in unison.

Tatsu flew a bit higher, away from his Master, and looked down below. "Ready, Saru?"

"Always." Saru answered in his usual monotone voice.

"I huff, and puff, and I burnnnn this place down!" Tatsu goofily sang before breathing fire.

The members started running around and screaming. The fire hit the large man first and Saru used his tail as a fan.

The fire spread rapidly.

The members ran towards the doors as a means of escape, but Angel stood in front of the doors, blocking the way.

"Outta the way, lady!" One person said.

"Let us leave!"

"What do ya want from us?"

"We'll do anythin'!"

"I got 3,000 jewels if ya want it!"

"I don't want your money." Angel said.

"Please!" The people pleaded, "Let us go!"

When Angel didn't move, a man stepped forward. "If ya won't move, I'll make ya." He raised a fist and reeled it back, preparing to punch the Celestial Card Mage.

Angel scoffed, "Utter trash." Before the man could punch her, she kicked him in his stomach. Her kick was so strong, that it sent the man flying back and into Tatsu's flames. Toxin, taught me well. Angel smiled to herself.

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