Chapter four

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I was on my computer on twitter as usual, looking at the feeds. One did catch my eye, it was Katy Perrys concert coming up! I had to go! She's such an amazing singer and one of my favourites. I need to ask my mum though. Which means going downstairs after the whole Louis thing. But this is Katy Perry so I don't care. My phone just beeped.

I pulled my phone out and saw it was Louis.

From lou<3

Hey gorgeous, what you doing? xxx

I quickly sent a ryply.

To Lou<3

Hi, just about to convince mum about Katy perry tickets x

From Lou<3

I'll take you babe, when is it, i'll book them now! xx

To Lou<3

Don't you dare! x

About five minuites later he text back.

From Lou<3

To late, I booked them! Me and you will go together! Don't you dare say no now! xxx

To Lou<3

God sake Louis! I said don't but you did! I guess I don't have a choice! x

From Lou<3

Nope you don't have a choice, it's in September! And it's July now! How lucky are you! xxx

To Lou<3

Omg! Thankyou so much Louis! You don't know how much this means! xx

Yes I added an extra kiss, he is amazing I'm telling you! I only just met him and his gone and got me Katy perry tickets!

I stayed upstairs, looking through my computer! I needed to tweet about this!

@StACey_TaYLor: OMG GOT TICKETS FOR @katyperry concert! Thanks to a great friend! x

I sent the tweet and had alot of congrats replies! I looked on my @ page and I think I'm going to die! Yeah I'm going to die! I have more celebrities following me! Woo!

"Hey hun" my mum walked in my room all smiley then she looked at me closely and burst into laughter. I have just been caught dancing really bad!

"I'll leave you to let it all out of your system" my mum joked and walked out shutting the door.

That was so embarrassing! Never felt that embarrassed in a long time especially Infront of my mum, I needed to get happiness out! Nothing wrong with that.

@StACey_TaYLor: The embarrassing moment when your mum walks in your room, finding you dancing like a crazy person #facepalm!!!

I sent the tweet and went over to my bed laying down. It was weird, the fact I only met Louis today at nandos and we already act like bestfriends. I quickly got up of my bed and went downstairs.

My mum was in the kitchen cooking something that smelt so nice.

"Your brother and dad are staying at a hotel as your dad got football tickets for tomorrow" my mum told me.

"Okay then, that reminds me, you remember Louis right" I asked not caring about the football game.

"Yeah, I only met him a few hours ago" she said smirking.

"Well he's only gone and brought me Katy perry tickets!" I screamed in her ear doing a happy dance.

"Wait-what" she said confused.

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