Chapter forty-three

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I walked over to my wardrobe and looked for what I should wear but I couldn't think atall.

"Shelley help!" I called.

"With?" she questioned.

"Something to wear" I shouted. Soon anough Shelley was beside me.

She picked out black skinny jeans with a peace tee, and my suede wedges. Where the hell is she taking me!

"Erm shell, why am I wearing wedges to a shopping center" I asked.

"cos they go with the outfit, duh!" She sighed.

"Do I really have to go, i did promise Louis" I said.

"You are going and that's it"

Louis POV.

"Hey mate" Niall said walking into the living room.

"Alright?" I asked.

"Not to bad, you?" he asked.

"I'm alright"

"So aren't you supposed to be with Stacey today?" Niall questioned.

"Yeah but not till later"

4 hours later.

It's now late afternoon and I haven't heard anything from Stacey atall. No call or text, nothing.

"Niall can you text Stacey" I shouted

"Whyyyyyyy" he whined.

"She ain't answering me"

"And?" he sarcastically stated.

"And she might be ignoring me" I said in a duh tone.

"Fine" he said pulling his phone out.

"Let me type" I asked and he gave his phone to me.

To Stacey.

Hey Stacey!

I sent the message and waited for a ryply. Then the phone buzzed.

From Stacey.

Hey Nialler.


"she replied to yours but not mine" I yelled getting angry.

I quickly sent another text.

To Stacey.

Why ain't you been answering Lou?

From Stacey.

I have only just got strong signal, the mall is packed! I know this is Louis btw.

Damn caught!

To Stacey.

Yes it is Louis. Can you talk to me on my phone now please, Niall is sending glares my way.

From Stacey.


"Thanks Niall"

"No problem mate" he smiled. I dug my phone out of my pocket and text Stacey.

To stace<3

Hey babe, sorry I was worried! where r u anyway? xx

From stace<3

Hey, it's fine. I'm going clubbing tonight Wiv Shelley and Alisha tonight. Sorry

To stace<3

Oh that's okay xx

I sent the text and sighed. I was really looking forward to spending some time with her tonight.

From stace<3

You could come babe, I still wanna spend some time with you. xx

To stace<3.

Okay babe, when u coming round?

From stace<3

Now I will see you in 5 x

I set my phone down and got up from the couch. This is going to be a long night.


I'm so so so so so sorry about not updating for 3 days! I've had writers block on all my books!!! Plus I've had school.


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