Chapter eleven

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Louis' POV.

God it's so boring during the day seen as I only work nights, I have been texting Stacey but I don't want her to miss out on learning so I left her alone. It was now noon so I gathered it would be Stacey's lunch break.

"Hey buddy what's up" Niall spoke to me coming from his bedroom.

"Nothing mate, just miss Stacey a little" I said truthfully.

"Aww my tommo's in L.O.V.E" Niall sang running to the kitchen.

"What ever you say" I told him smirking.

I decided to send a text to Stacey, I didn't know if I was being to clingy but I really did like Stacey and didn't want to loose her any time soon.

Stacey's POV.

Now lunch, thank god I'm absolutely starving. I heard my phone beep and I pulled it out. Thank god were allowed to have our phones out!

From lou<3

Hey missing you. xxx

I decided to call Louis, I quickly told my friends not to be all loud while I talked to him and they understood and went back to there conversations.

"Hello" he spoke into the phone very deeply.

"Lou it's me" I reminded him.

"Sorry babe, didn't check the called ID" he laughed.

"It's cool" I said smoothly.

"So how comes your calling when your in school" he questioned.

"Lunch, allowed phones on" I said quickly.

"Ah okay, I guess it's going to be a call every day at this time now" he laughed and so did I.

I looked around the cafeteria taking in everyone's expressions. The funniest ones had to be Liam's and Alisha's, they were both wiggling there eyebrows at me.

"What" I looked at them. They both ignored me and turned there heads. Whoops.

"Stacey, you there" I heard Louis on the other end.

"Yeah, Lou, I've got to go. I'll see you at three" I told him.

"Okay bye" he said and I hung up.

"Hey Stacey" I heard someone's voice.

"Oh hey harry, how are you" I asked.

"Yeah I'm good, I was wondering if the rumours are true, are you going out with a guy called Louis" he asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah I am,why" I questioned.

"No reason, your the talk of the school and what people are saying about you both is not very nice, people are saying they heard it of Rita" he told me. Anger just burst through my veins.

"For fuck sake!" I shouted causing pairs of eyes to go on me.

"What excactly did she say" I asked harry.

"You don't want to know" he said.

"Fine i'll go to her myself" I said standing up.

"Stacey don't" Alisha warned me with Shelly and Liam.

"I don't care this bitch had it coming to her ever since I met her" I said while storming out the cafeteria.

I looked back and saw all of my friends following me, they were far behind but I was walking very quick so that's why they seem so slow.

I saw her there, talking with her friends. When I reached her she was infact talking about me and Louis.

"Oh speak of the slut" Rita laughed.

"Excuse me" I said.

"Yes" she said looking me up and down.

"What the fucks you problem you whore" I said raising my voice. People where starting to crowd around us. Lets give these people a show!

"Don't fucking call me a whore, I'm not the one with someone three years older then me" she said laughing.

"Pfft I'm not being funny you were the one who lost there v-card to a 25 year old" I said remembering that famous romour.

"You did not just say that" she glared.

"Oh but I did!" I exclaimed.

She slapped me round the face. That fucking hurt. Bitch.

I grabbed hold of her hair, and started pulling at it. This bitch is going to pay.

Alisha's POV

Woah. Ouch. That must've hurt.

Right now Stacey and Rita are beating the shit out of each other. No one will step foreward to break them appart. Guess I will have to.

"Stacey" I shouted at her pulling her away.

"Fuck you" she screamed in Rita's direction.

"You fucking wait till after school" Stacey carried on screaming.

Then Stacey wriggled out of my arm and pounced back at Rita.

"What is going on" Mrs.Ade our head teacher screamed. Whoops.

"Miss Taylor, Miss Hult. My office now." Our head teacher screamed.

There in trouble.


Hey guys! Will hopefully be updating tomorrow night! here's a chapter!! Enjoy!

Nicola! x

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