Chapter forty

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"Right, you ready to go" Louis asked me standing up from our lunch table.

"Yeah, can you drop me home please" I asked and he nodded.

We circled the shops for a little while but then went to the parking lot to head home.

"I've just remembered you don't work nights anymore" I laughed.

"So I don't" Louis remembered.

"Well I can come over tomorrow right?" I asked.

"Course baby" Louis smiled.

We pulled into the drive and I saw my mum at the window with a angry look for some reason.

"Bye Louis" I said kissing his cheek.

"Bye Stacey" Louis smiled and kissed me on the lips after.

"I love you" Louis called when I opened the door.

"I love you too" I smiled and shut the door.

I made my way up the driveway and saw Louis reversing out the drive. I smiled to myself and opened the front door.

"Hi mum" I shouted and she came to were I was with an angry expression but tear stains on her cheeks.

"Mum what's wrong" I asked.

"Your dad, his been cheating hunny, he is calling for a divorce and custody of Kyle" my mum sobbed in my shoulder.

"Oh my god! Mum it's going to be okay, he won't get Kyle" I told her. "Were is he" I asked.

"With your dad at his new ladies home" my mum chocked.

"How did you even find out" I asked.

"Your brother told me, I asked your father and he confirmed it. He said I was the worst mistake along with you" she cried. I can't belive my dad said that.

"Mum would it be okay if Louis stayed, he will help us" I told her.

"Of course, I'm heading for the shower, I'm sorry that your dad is doing this" my mum said going upstairs.

I got my phone from my pocket and dialed Louis number.

Phone conversation.

"What's up baby" I heard Louis on the other line.

"Please, come back!" I begged with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Stace what's happened" Louis questioned.

"Please just come here" I begged.

"Won't be long babe, love you" he said.

"Love you too Louis" I told him and hung up.

End of conversation.

As soon as I saw Louis car pulling into the drive I burst out the front door. he got out the car and I amideatly jumped into his arms.

"Woah what's wrong baby?" Louis asked worried.

"Come in, i'll tell you soon" I told him fighting back the tears.

We sat on the couch and Louis put his hand on my back rubbing circles to calm me down.

"Now what's wrong" he asked.

"My dad cheated on my mum, he's calling for a divorce and taking custody of Kyle" I began crying.

"Shhh it's going to be okay baby" Louis said pulling my into his chest.

"That's not it lou" I sobbed.

"What else" Louis said calmly.

"He said my mum was a mistake along with me" I was full on sobbing.

"He what!" Louis yelled.

"Lou please" I begged. He calmed down and I was in his chest.

"It's all going to be okay, I promise" Louis said rubbing my back. I sure hope so.

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