Chapter seventy nine

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Stacey's POV

It was the next morning and we were getting Ethan ready to go home, after discussing with my mum we wouldn't be staying with her after all and just staying at out house instead so Ethan can get settled in a bit more but my mum would obviously be visiting us a lot more.

"What should we put him in?" Louis said gesturing to Ethan's tiny baby clothes.

"I think this" I said holding up a cute blue onesuit which was all fluffy and warm.

"Yeah, do you want to get changed and I'll put Ethan in this" Louis smiled.

"Yeah sure" I smiled pecking his lips going to the bathroom to get changed. Louis had put in one of his shirts and my grey sweat pants In the bag with my underwear so I was comfortable.

As I changed I couldn't help but get more excited at the fact we are going home and this time with our little boy.

Once I was done I splashed water and soap on my face giving it a small clean and drying with a facial cloth.

I made my way back to my hospital room and Louis had changed Ethan's dirty nappy (diaper) and put him in the blue onesuit which we both loved.

"Ready?" Louis said now putting Ethan in the car seat.

"Ready" I smiled. I grabbed my bag and Ethan's changing bags, then took Louis free hand as he had ethan in his other in the car seat.

As we drove home Ethan was sleeping in the back seat, I made Louis check at least five times that his car seat was secure and safe and it was.

"So how'd you feel?" Louis said.

"Fine, just feel so excited about going home, having our little family at last" I smiled.

"Me too" he smiled concerntrating on the road.

"I should text Niall to say were on our way back" I said pulling my phone out.

To Niall:

Hey Niall, we're finally on our way home! little Ethan can't wait to meet you! see you soon buddy.

From Stacey.

I put my phone back in my pocket but then it started ringing. Pulling my phone back Niall was the caller ID.

"Hey niall"

"Hey stace, so how long will you be?"

"About twenty minuites why?"

"No reason, gotta go bye"

He didn't give me time to say goodbye back so I just shrugged putting my phone away yet again.

"What did Niall want?" Louis asked

"He wanted to know how long we was going to be" I told him.

"Right okay" he grinned.

"What's with the grin?" I said confused.

"Oh nothing babe, don't worry" he laughed.

"Whatever" I said annoyed that he was keeping something from me.

"It's not bad, promise" he smiled taking my hand and using one to steer the car.

"Okay, okay" I laughed.

"You'll like it, promise"

Once we arrived back Louis got Ethan out while I got the bags.

As I opened the door I was shocked what I was taking in.

All family and friends were here, in the flat. decorations were up and party food out. And a banner saying 'welcome home Ethan' which I smiled at.

"Aw thankyou guys"

"Well since you didn't have a baby shower were doing one now with a welcome home party too" my mum smiled.

We got a lot of new gifts, some for Louis and I and a lot for Ethan. He had gifts ranging from socks, tops and trousers to big toys, a new crib and more.

"Thankyou all so much for this, it means a lot" I smiled and so did Louis.

Once everyone had left it was me, Louis, my mum, Niall, harry and Ethan.

"So Niall you still staying with us or have you found somewhere?" Louis asked.

"Nope not yet, your stuck with me I'll be moving out in two weeks to a month though once the flats all sorted" he smiled.

"How are you and Alisha doing anyway?" I asked.

"Yeah were good, she's gonna stay some nights at the flat and some at home" he smiled.

"That's cute"

Everyone had now go except Niall obviously who was knocked out on the couch.

Me and Louis were getting Ethan ready for bed. First time at home.

As I tucked him in Louis and I gave him both a kiss on the forehead and said goodnight, Louis took my hand leading us into our room.

"So busy day" Louis smiled weakly from tiredness.

"Very busy, but it was perfect"

"Just like you" Louis smiled, he was seated on the edge of the bed and pulled me in between his legs.

" I love you" he smiled pulling me onto his lap.

"And I love you" I smiled back.

We had a small heated make out session. Then Louis spoke.

"Right let's sleep, I'm so tired and you must be too" he said climbing into his side of the bed and me on my side of the bed.

I cuddled into Louis and fell to sleep with a smile.


So my updates are once a week, or twice. I will be going into hospital Friday to have my tonsils removed so I won't be able to update a lot. I will try to get another chapter into this week if not it'll be after my operation when I'm up to it.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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