Chapter sixty eight

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I've been so busy this week and can finally update as I'm now on a weeks break from school! :D

I woke up with Louis arm wrapped around me, I cuddled closer breathing in Louis scent which made me melt.

Light suddenly burst through the gap in the blinds causing me to shut my eyes quickly from the sudden light beam.

I suddenly felt sick building in my throat so I bolted to the toilet. I brushed my teeth to get rid of the after taste and splashed my face with water as I was feeling rather hot. Feeling my head it was burning so I made my way to the kitchen and took a painkiller.

"Stace are you okay" Louis said rubbing his eyes entering the kitchen in boxers.

"Yeah go back to bed, it's still early" I smiled.

"Cuddle" he said pulling me into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck taking in his warmth. He looped his arms around my waiste cuddleing into the crook of my neck.

"I love you Stacey, so much" he whispered.

"Lou what's wrong" I asked.

"Just tired that's all" he whispered again.

"There's something else?" I said.

"I had a weird dream, you got taken away from me, I screamed and shouted at you but you wouldn't listen and left with zayn" he said sadly.

"Baby, I would never leave you okay, I promise. We're starting a family now, I love you way to much to leave you" I said.

Louis led me over to the sofa sitting down and pulling me on his lap.

"When this little on is here" he said placing his hand on my belly " I'm going to be the best dad I can, I promise" he smiled leaving a kiss on my stomache.

"Your going to be an amazing daddy lou" I smiled at him.

"You really think with my past" he whispered to hiself.

"I really think lou" I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you stace, so much" he said pecking my lips.

"And I love you lou" I smiled.

"We should go see your mum Lou" I said to him.

"Next week, I'm not ready yet" he said with a frown.

"Whenever is fine but you promise that we'll go see her" I said.

"Promise" he smiled.

"What to do today?" I asked.

"We could go see your mum?" he suggested.

"Yeah we can give her the scan" I smiled.

"Alright get ready" he smiled helping me up.

I threw black leggings and a baggy grey jumper and tied my converse. I quickly tied my hair into a loose bun and went out to meet Louis.

"Ready" he smiled taking my hand.

Once we reached my old house I could already see my mum at the window and when she saw Louis car she jumped out of joy and greeted us at the door.

"Stacey, Louis! what a lovely surprise" she beamed.

"Yeah we have news" I smiled as me and Louis entered the house.

"Stacey!" someone fimiluar shouted just as we were entering the house.

I turned around to be met by harry.

"Harry!" I grinned running into his arms.

"God I've missed you Stacey! how are you and Louis" he smiled.

"Were really good, found out were having a boy" I grinned.

"That's amazing" he said.

"Come on in, we have a lot to discuss" I laughed.

"Hey Louis and Stacey's mum" harry said smiling.

"Alright mate" Louis smiled.

"Hello dear" my mum laughed.

We all took a seat on the couch me smiling for no reason.

"Right what's the news" my mum asked.

"Well we're having a little boy mum" I grinned with joy handing my mum the ultrasound.

"That's brilliant you two!" she smiled.

"It sure is" Louis said.

"Had he kicked yet" she asked.

"I've felt a few flutters" I answered.

"This calls for a celebration, I will pay, Myself, Stacey, Louis and harry we are going out" my mum stood up clapping her hands.

I guess were going out.

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