Chapter five

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Stacey's POV.

It was quiet in the car, thank god I have Louis, I may of met him only today but he's a great friend.

"So do you want to talk about it" he questioned.

"It was about you" I said truth ally.

"What was" he asked confused.

"The argument" I said in a 'duh' voice.

"Oh" he said sounding hurt.

"Sorry, I just don't know what to do, I always argue with her! What if it turns out really bad" I said.

"If it turns out that bad, you could live with me don't worry" he told me smiling.

"No Louis, I've only just met you, I can't take advantage of you" I said.

"I said if it gets bad, stace" he said smirking.

"Oh right okay" I said.

"We're here" Louis said while pulling into a parking spot.

"Wow, this place looks expensive" I said while getting out the car.

"Nope, not that pricey actually"

We got into the hallway and went to the door he opened it and I was go smacked. It was clean and tidy, you wouldn't expect a twenty year old man to be this tidy and organised.

"Wow" I let the words slip.

"What do you think" he asked.

"It's lovely Louis,you've got a nice place here" I told him and he smiled.

"Thanks" he said looking away.

Louis' POV.

Finally home, with Stacey. It was weird to bring a girl home and not do anything with her. Also it was weird that she hasn't asked about my job but it's probley because it's my buisness. She was currently exploring my flat taking everything in. It was only a few hours ago that I brought those damn tickets for her, don't ask why I just want to get on the right side of her. Then next she was texting to see if I was free, gladly zayn covered but what he said about Stacey wasn't going to be the end of it.

"Hey who's this" Niall said walking in the front door.

"Oh hey" Stacey said confused.

"Sorry, this is Niall my flat mate" I told Stacey.

"I'm stacey" she said smiling at Niall, somehow I felt a pang of jelously in my stomach I don't know why, I think it was that bright smile she gave him even though she's only just met him.

"Niall" Niall said extending his hand to shake it with Stacey's.

"Nice to meet you" she told him.

"You too" he replied.

"Lou, is this why you were so happy earlier?" Niall questioned.

I just ignored the question as it was the answer, it was way to embarrassing.

"So you staying here Niall" I asked.

"Yeah, this is my flat aswell" he said smirking at me.

"Okay bye Niall" I told him while grabbing Stacey's hand leading her upstairs.

"Louis what are you doing" she asked.

"Showing you around" I smiled like an idiot.

"Oh okay, I'm not going anywhere so you could let me go Louis" she complained and I let go.

"Sorry" I appoligized.

"It's fine Lou" she smiled.

One thing that I was very happy about was that Stacey was here, I felt something for her even though I met her today. She was one that I wasn't preparing to loose any time soon!

Stacey's POV.

Ok. I'm officially in love.. Deeply madly in love with.. This flat! It's amazing! I want one, this one to be exact. I haven't got a clue how Louis and Niall actually afford this as its a place where really rich people live. I've got it! They are secret millionaires! Na I'm joking, I don't know.

"Lou how'd you afford this" I asked curiously and he tensed up. Okay that's weird.

"Erm I work alot" he said stifly.

"Okay cool" I smiled and he relaxed. What the hell.

"So Stacey tell me things about you, we need to get to know each other more" Louis smiled.

"Okay! My name is Stacey louise Taylor, I'm seventeen and my birthday is a week today, so glad it's on a Friday any way, erm Im in my last year of school, I decided to stay till the end of July even though I could've finished earlier. Erm I love nandos and hate heartbreakers" I said with a sigh.

"What happened" Louis asked looking worried.

"So jerk, used me for sex then chucked me away after a six month relationship" I told him.

"Bastard" Louis muttered.

"Louis it doesn't matter anymore" I tried convincing him.

"It kind of does, if I knew you then that fucker wouldn't be alive" Louis said angrily.

"Calm it Louis" I said. "It's your turn"

I said changing the subject.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, I'm twenty years old, birthday is on Christmas Eve, erm I grew up in Doncaster but permentally moved here a few years ago, I left school at sixteen which was a bad idea. I also love nandos like you and I really want to hang out with you more" Louis said blushing.

"That would be great to hang out more Louis" I told him.

"Great" he smiled and together we went to the living room to Niall.

"Hey" Niall said to both of us.

"Hey Niall" we both said together.

"How about a movie" Louis asked the both of us.

"Sounds good" I said and Niall looked abit weird.

"Louis you never watch movies, your always at work" Niall complained.

"I'm in the mood for a movie Niall" Louis gritted his teeth.

"Alright calm down" Niall said taking a seat on the couch.

I couldn't help but think that Louis was hiding something, I don't know why it's just he ain't acting right after what Niall said. Oh well not like he's going to tell me. I went back to watching the movie stopping my thoughts from suggesting anything else.

The movie has now finished and I only just remembered that we watched titanic! I cried my heart out and Louis and Niall thought it would be funny to tease me. It's now way past midnight and I don't know what to do should I go home? I don't know what Louis would suggest? I'll just wait to see if he says anything about it.


Okay so quite a small chapter! I promise the next one will be bigger, I will be posting every few days as I'm a busy bee at the moment! If I can update any earlier then I will.

Thankyou for reading!

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