Chapter sixty four

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Louis POV.

I pulled down the handle that lead to Stacey's hospital room. As I open the door I take the scene Infront of me right in. Stacey is wrapped up in a white blanket sleeping. I can see a bruise on her right arm which is purple and a cast on her wrist.

I grab a chair and pull it to Stacey's bed taking her hand in mine.

"Hey Stacey" I said even though she probley couldn't hear me.

"I can't belive what's happened today baby girl, I mean I got the call and I couldn't speak I was so worried about you and got here as fast as I could, I even it pulled over by the cops but they let me of thankfully. I just want you to wake up, I already miss you and you only left a few hours ago. When you wake up which will be soon we can cuddle, kiss, talk. we can do whatever you want wherever you want. I would do literally anything for you stace. As for little one in your tummy, I think she or he's fine just like mummy." I said taking a breath.

"Louis?" a nurse entered the room.

"Yes?" I said standing up.

"We've been monitoring Stacey, she has a bruised upper arm and a broken wrist. we are just getting tests about the baby, but Stacey will be fine and will wake up in a few hours" she said with a small smile.

"Ok, thankyou" I said and she left.

I sat back in the chair with Stacey's hand in mine rubbing cirlcles on her hand with my thumb.

Two hours later.

"Eurgh!" I heard a soft groan I looked up and saw Stacey slowly opening her eyes.

"Lou" she croaked.

"Right here baby, your okay" I said to her.

"What happened" she said quietly.

"You fell babe, down a escalator, you broke your wrist" I said to he with a frown.

"And.. And the baby?" she said nervously.

"We can find out soon don't worry" I said to her.

"Louis do you know what made me fall I can't remember anything since this morning with you" she said a crack in her voice.

"I've heard a little, but I will go get Shelley to tell you" I said squeezing her thigh and standing up.

"Shelley?" I said and her head raised up.

"Is she awake?" she asked.

"Yeah come on, where's harry and Liam?" I asked.

"They had to go, they will visit soon though" she told me as we entered Stacey's room.

"Stace" Shelley squeeled attacking Stacey into a hug.

"Shelley can you tell me what happened.. at the mall"

"Yeah, where to start. Well we were just walking until your clumsy self knocked straight into someone, that someone being zayn. He tried to get you to talk to him and you finally gave in giving him a minuite. He kept begging you to leave Louis but you kept saying 'no way' to him. He started to strop and you had anough so you walked over to the escalator when you must've lost balance and fell from the top" Shelley said taking a breath.

"I screamed and zayn then noticed you fell and got all panicky shouting to let me let him get to you but I wouldn't, in the end he got carried off by his mates and then the ambulance came, you broke your wrist and bruised yourself up if you didn't know
already" she said finished.

"All of that happened" Stacey said with a deep breath.

"Yeah I can't belive it either" Shelley said.

Soon anough the doctor came through Stacey's door with a clipboard in his hands.

"Ah stacey, how you feeling now" the doctor smiled.

"I'm feeling okay" she said quickly.

"Well I have the news on the child" he said looking up from the clipboard.

"And what is it?" I asked annoyed.

"Please don't be bad" Shelley wispered.

"Okay, okay! Stacey did take a rough fall hitting each of the stairs on the escalator but the baby is Absolutly fine" he said with a smile and my frown turned into a massive grin as did Stacey's and Shelley's.

"Oh that's great news" Stacey said with tears running down her cheeks.

"I'll leave you to some privacy" the doctor said walking out.

"Congratulations you two! I'm also gonna go, head home, you two can have alone time" Shelley smiled.

"Thankyou for today" I said.

"It's not a problem, bye both of you" she said walking out and me and Stacey both saying bye.

"Well" I began.

"I'm so glad he or she survived" Stacey said and I wrapped her in a hug.

"Me either" I said kissing her forehead.

"But guess what baby! Were gonna have a family still" I grinned.

"We sure are" she smiled.

Soon anough the doctor came back discharging Stacey and giving her painkillers incase pain.

We got into the car and drove home with Stacey's hand in mine.

"What do you wanna do when we get home" I asked.

"Snuggle and a movie" she smiled.

"Sounds great" I laughed.

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