Chapter twenty-two

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Stacey's POV.

Beep beep beep beep beep! All I can her in my ears, constantly. I've been trying to open my eyes but it isn't happening!

All I have been thinking about in my mind is being in a car then that's it everything goes dark then it plays back again.

*beep beep beep*

I hear again, geez what is that noise.

"Stacey come back to me baby" I heard a males voice, who the hell is that.

Before I could think about who it could be the flashbacks started again but this time I could see the person next to me in the car. It was Louis.

Louis' POV

It's been a week, a whole week without Stacey! she missed her eighteenth birthday, I have been here everyday though always by her side.

Stacey's mum doesn't agree with me being here but she's come to consider it in the last few days. She knows about me and Stacey, I had told her because I couldn't bear being away from Stacey.

I was holding onto Stacey's hand repeating the same sentence over and over again.

"Stacey come back to me baby" over and over again I would say this hoping she would wake up but she hasn't yet, all I would hear is the beeping on the machine and nothing else.

I heard my phone start to ring so I took it out of my pocket with my free hand.

*caller ID 'boss'*

I hung the phone up not wanting to do anything more for that man, I have been keeping him updated on Stacey though. To my surprise he understands and has told me to come back when Stacey is better. He has also told me that people are talking at work saying that I was trying to kill Stacey which made me angry. Way to angry.

I was inturpted by both Stacey's parents entering the room.

"Anything" Stacey's dad asked.

"No" I replied.

They both took a seat on the other side of Stacey's bed and looked at me. It was getting annoying.

"How long have you been with our daughter" her dad asked.

"Well about a week or two" I said. I couldn't remember as It feels alot more than a week it feels like a lifetime.

They just nodded.

"Do you think she's going to make it" I asked them both.

"She's a strong girl of course she is" her mum exclaimed.

"I hope so" I mumbled.

"She will pull through this don't worry" her dad said.

I just nodded and looked at Stacey's hand. With hope I wispered "Stacey come back to me baby" so her parents wouldn't hear.

It's been about 3-4 hours and Stacey's parents have left because Stacey's brother has just left school.

Once they left I just stared at Stacey, not in a creepy way but in a loving and caring way. I couldn't live without her now, I just couldn't.

"Stacey please wake up, I love you" I told her even though she probley couldn't hear me.

Her fingers twitched in my hands, then she squeezed my hand in a loving jesture to make sure I knew she was okay even though she wern't.

Her hands moved every so often, then there came a point which made my ears jump with excitement.

"Lou" I heard Stacey say weakly.

"I'm right here baby" I told her and saw her eyes start to open.

"What happened" she coughed.

"We were in a acciedent baby, I'm so sorry" I frowned.

"It's okay Lou" she said quietly.

"I'll go get the nurse" I told her.

"Please stay with me" she cried.

"I'm not going anywhere" I told her.


Hey guys!

I said I would update and I have! been hard getting around on crutches without falling over but I'm managing!

Anyway enjoy!



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