Chapter sixty nine

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I woke up feeling happy, Louis had his arm draped around me so there was no escaping.

I was now eight months pregnant and huge. Louis was so helpful, always doing stuff for me and arguing if I worked to much.

"Lou" I whispered trying to escape from his grasp but earning a groan from his.

"Louis I need to pee" I whispered.

"Noo" he moaned.

"Louis I will pee in this bed then" I warned.

"Fine, fine" he said detaching his arm from me so I could pee.

Once I done my buisness I joined Louis back in the bedroom to find him asleep again.

I sighed and went to get dressed and made my way to the kitchen.

I made myself tea and toast and a tea for Louis.

"I'm going out today" Louis said entering the kitchen making me jump.

"No where really, just out" he said.

"Well okay" I smiled. I'm probley going to hang out with harry or Shelley.

Louis left about five minuites ago without a goodbye which was a little odd seeing as we haven't argued atall. What is he up to?

I picked my phone up and dialed Harry's number.

H- harry

S- Stacey

S- hey harry

H- hey stace, how are you?

S- I'm okay thankyou, you?

H- yeah I'm cool, why did you ring not to sound rude.

S- Louis just went out, no goodbye or anything, I'm curious where he's gone so would you wanna hang out today

H- yeah sure, I'll be round soon and we can go to town.

S- okay bye

I hung up and smiled. I haven't really spent much time with harry since the dinner we all went to. Harry's quite close with Louis but harry knows nothing about what Louis does, he just don't tell anyone. It's all a secret sometimes.

Harry got here and we are now in his car, harry found a space and parked up.

"Where too?" harry asked.

"Starbucks" I smiled and he nodded making our way to Starbucks.

We ordered our drinks and sat down oppisite each other.

"So he just left" harry asked.

"Well he told me he had to go out and when I asked where he said no where really which I find so odd" I told harry.

"It is strange but trust him"

"I do trust him" I told harry.

"Well okay, shall we go to some shops?" he asked and I nodded.

"It's weird really, I haven't really come here since the incedient" I told harry.

"Me either really" he admitted.

We had been shopping for baby stuff for about an hour but my back started hurting so harry called it a day. We drove back to the apartment and I offered harry to come in and he accepted.

"Lou!" I shouted getting no answer.

"Well I guess he's still out" I shrugged to harry.

Harry had now gone home as it was getting later and later but there was still no sign of Louis what so ever and I was starting to worry really.

I dialed his phone repeatedly until he finally picked.

"Hello" I heard a voice not belonging to Louis and certianatly not a male.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"More like who are you?" this female said with sass.

"Answer my question. Who are you and what are you doing with Louis phone" I said through gritted teeth.

"Louis is in my shower right now, he shouldn't be to long, had a bit of a fun one you see. So are you like Louis sister or someone?" she said. My heart broke. Louis was at another girls house. In her shower. After some fun one. He had cheated on me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"What is it to you?" she asked back.

"Please just answer me" I begged in defeat.

"Louis called me. I'm an old friend of his. We have a wild ass past okay now tell me who you are!" she said probley getting frustrated.

"A broken girl" I whispered hanging up.

I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. I couldn't stop taking heavy breath. I couldn't stop shaking in fear, anger and hate.

I then picked my phone back up and dialed Harry's number this time.

"Stace why are you calling it's like midnight" he said groggily into the phone.

"Harry" I whispered cracking in my voice.

"Stace, love what's the matter" he said sounding extremely worried.

"Please harry. come here. Please." I said hanging up the phone bursting into hysterical sobs.

I don't know what is going to happen now. What about out baby boy. He's going to grow up without his daddy. It's all Louis fault.

I got knocked out of my thoughts with light knocking on the door. I made my way over opening the door to see harry. I fell into his arms silently crying.

"Stacey you have to tell me, what's happened" he asked.

"H-he-e c-hea-ted harry. Louis cheated" I said twice. The first time stuttering.

"What. How do you know?" harry said in shock.

I took a deep breath and told harry what I had witnessed during the phone call.

"Pass me your phone!" harry said demanding.

He took my phone and dialed a number holding the phone up to his ear.

"Louis!" harry said.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"So your the bitch who's ruined a perfect relationship"

"Why did Louis cheat? with you?"

"You fucking life ruiner!!!" he yelled all of this finally hanging up the phone.

"I'm so sorry Stacey, I'm so sorry!" harry soothed pulling me into his chest.

"Why'd he cheat harry, why?" I sobbed.

Harry stayed incredibly silent.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Why don't you stay at mine for a few days. She said they would be coming here or something" harry said nervously.

"I think that would be the best. I don't want to be in his appartment anymore" I said in disgust.

I packed most of my stuff and led it out to Harry's car, harry helping me put the stuff in the boot.

We set of to Harry's appartment. Me falling into a drift less sleep from all the crying I have been doing.

Louis POV.

What the hell happened.


Hello!!! I haven't updated in over a week cos I've been so busy planning this all out, studying for exams, going to doctors to find out I'm having toe surgery. But other than that I finally updated :) really hope you liked this chapter.

Please vote. It takes me ages to write so please can I have a vote. Thankyou ilyyyyy!!!

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