Chapter seventy six

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Stacey's POV

Two weeks to go.

Two weeks till we meet our prince.

Two weeks till he will be here.

"Stacey!" Louis shouted from another room.

"Yeah?" I said back louder.

"I'm popping out, do you need anything?" he said walking into the bedroom where I was.

"We need some food but I'm getting that later so no thanks" I smiled.

"Not by yourself your not" Louis said sternly.

"I will be fine. Two weeks to go Louis" I argued frustrated.

"No, just give me the list and I will get it okay." he said seriously.

"No Louis, I would like to get out of here for an hour, it is boring you know" I said growing more fed up by each comeback.

"Fine, but I will go with you. Deal?" he questioned.

"Eurgh fine" I groaned walking out of the kitchen leaving Louis by his self.

I made my way into the kitchen pulling the fridge to find hardly nothing I liked to eat which caused me to roll my eyes. Louis had probley ate some or it was me.

"Lou can we go now or?" I said to him as he was walking into the kitchen.

"I did have stuff to do, you knew that" he said abit annoyed.

"Okay I will just wait for your return then" I said walking off yet again.

"Can you stop a minuite Stacey. I know your pregnant but quit taking your mood changes out on me okay, I said I was going out and I won't be long okay?" he said softness in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry Louis. I'm just tired" I smiled slightly.

"Well I'll be a few hours okay" he said leaning in for a kiss which I accepted.

"Yeah okay" I smiled.

"Bye babe" he smiled going out the door.

Louis POV.

Little did Stacey know I was actually going to get a few more baby stuff as we haven't really got enough in my opinion and I want my first child to have anything and everything.

I jumped into my car and started it up going to a popular shop for newborns. As I entered the store I did feel slightly awkward but the stairs finally stopped when I picked up a newborn boys clothing.

Once I got the last bits, I had a worked help me load them into my car and I was back on my way to the flat.

I pulled up to the corner shop and got chocolate milkshake seeing as they were one of Stacey's favourites at the moment. It would soon change to something different. Sometimes it can be the weirdest foods. She has woke up at 3am wanting to eat pickles or wanting ice cream. At that time it's awfully strange but she's pregnant so what do I expect.

As I pulled up outside the flat I took the small items in the bag up to the flat with Stacey's milkshake in hand.

"Oh your back, and you bring me milkshake! I love you" she squealed. See what I mean. Strange.

"Yeah I got some of the last baby stuff" I smiled as I handed her the bag while she looked through the stuff.

"This is perfect Louis!" she said rather loudly.

"Yeah, you ready to go shopping?" I asked still worried where she's eight and a half months pregnant.

"Yes! finally" she said standing up. She was wearing my grey sweats with a white top of mine. So basically in my clothes. But with her own shoes.

She picked up the matching grey hoddie and put it on her.

"Like my clothes then babe" I laughed and she giggled with me.

"Sure do, there comfortable" she grinned.

When we made our way to the shopping centre out hands locked together as I took the shopping trolley with my other hand.

We had half the trolley full with the foods we both liked.

"Oh Louis, milkshakes the other end, come one" she said leading me to her beloved milkshake.

She must of got At least four bottles of chocolate. I don't see how she don't get a stomach ache with so much if it in her system.

We were nearly done when Stacey bent over clutching her stomach, pain and shock were clear in her eyes.

"Stace what's wrong?" I asked in worry.

"Lou I think my water just broke" she said in pure panic. I looked down and notice she was indeed right and her waters have infact broke.


"Louis it hurts" she screamed in pain. Soon anough people were gathering around us watching her scream in agony.

"Don't just fucking stand there! someone call an ambulance" I screamed


Stacey screamed again closing her eyes.

"Louis he's ready to come out!" Stacey said squeezing the life out of my hand.

"Sh it's okay baby, helps coming okay!" I calmed her.

"Breath in and out" I said doing the breaths with her.


After five minutes the ambulance has arrived and got Stacey onto a bed.

"You the dad?" the driver asked.

I nodded gulping a little.

"Your going to be a dad very soon" he patted me on the back.

Shit I'm going to be a dad very soon.

My sons coming.




Will update soon :)

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