Chapter seventy four

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So if you haven't noticed already my updates are usally posted Saturdays on Sundays! But I'm in the Easter holidays so it'll be a lot easier to post in the week too :) please comment or vote!

"You're sure?" harry asked.

"Yes, I'm sure harry. I think he explained everything he could in that letter, and I know he hates describing he's feelings but that's what he has done and I appreciate it from him so much" I said and I trueley meant it. Louis didn't need to fight for my forgiveness anymore, he's done it already.

"But it's so quick don't you think, he's written a letter and suddenly everything becomes ok! it isn't okay Stacey he played you like some cards and cheated on you! You shouldn't forgive him because he's written he's feelings on a piece of paper, he should say it to you, face to face." harry said anger clear in his face.

"Ok harry calm down" I said calmly not wanting to fight with my Bestfriend.

"I'm trying to, your giving in way to quickly. I may not have said this before and I may have acted fine with you being with him but Stacey why can't you see, you could do so much better than him" harry argued.

I didn't know what to say back to him, my mind had gone blank but I realised excactly what harry was telling me. I was forgiving him way to quickly but that's because I love him with every ounce in my body. I have to forgive him because I can't live without him.

"You do what you think is right okay, I'm going out" harry said and patted my back and left the house.

I did something I thought I wouldn't do in a long time.

"Stacey" he asked on the other end of the phone.

"Hey" I replied back.

"Why are you calling not to sound rude, you wanted space?" Louis asked.

"I need to talk to you, about that letter" I sighed.

"So you got it then?" he asked.

"Sure did"

"Can we meet up and talk about this Louis, it's nothing to discuss over the phone" I asked.

"Of course, why don't you come home and we can talk?" he said and I frowned when he said home, right now I wouldn't count Louis flat home.

"Okay I won't be long" I said and hung up.

I quickly went to the bathroom to apply water on my face to calm me down. I picked my car keys up from the side and went out the door straight to my car heading to Louis'.

As I parked up I suddenly became nervous, scared of what the outcome will turn out like. I hastily made it to Louis front door and knocked three times. The door opened to Louis standing there with black sweats and a black shirt on, his hair in a fluffy mess and his eyes looked tired from lack of sleep.

"Hey" I smiled and I suddenly felt myself being pulled into Louis chest.

"I can't do this anymore, I miss you so much Stacey please come back home" he sniffed into my neck.

"Come on Louis, lets sit down yeah?" I said bringing him over to the couch with me.

"So the letter Louis" I began.

"I don't know why I write it but I did, I thought I could try and tell you things you did and didn't know in it. I wern't really thinking about it when I wrote it, I just took a pen and paper and just wrote everything out" he shrugged.

"That's the thing Louis, I adored the fact that you told me things in that letter. It made me realise that I do forgive you and I love you so much" I said as a tear escaped my eye Louis gently brushing it away with his thumb.

"Y-you forgive me?" he said with hope in his eyes.

"Yeah Louis I forgive you, but you hurt me so much but I've got to forget about that" I said quietly.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you so much, I really hate myself for making you cry but I love you so much and I didn't mean what happened" he said.

"It's okay" I said opening my arms to hug him and he pulled me onto his lap and whisperd in my ear how much he was sorry and that he loves me.

"I love you Lou" I said in his chest inhaling his scent which I missed so much.

"How's little one?" he said with his hand on my stomach.

"He's doing okay, been kicking a lot" I smiled as Louis rubbed my belly in a circle motion.

"Can't wait until he's here" he whispered kissing me passionately I melted into this kiss.

"Woah I did not expect to come home to see you two making out!" A scream came from the door. Niall.

I pushed Louis and he helped me up with my huge belly.

"Niall" I said running into his arms.

"Stace, it's been quiet without you! missed your annoying self around the house" he teased.

Niall sat at the armchair with me and Louis back on the couch.

"So your back together I take?" Niall asked with a smile.

"Yeah mate, we are" Louis smiled kissing my temple.

"Am I glad! He's been a boring old man going around the house while you've been gone!" Niall said causing me to laugh a little but being sad too realising Louis was feeling down during the week.

"Well no more old man now I'm back" I laughed and Louis smiled at me nodding.

"We should go out for dinner tonight" Louis whispered in my ear.

"That would be nice, but I need to get my things from Harry's tonight, we might have time" I smiled.

"Right let's go then" Louis laughed.

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