Lucario x Reader

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You breathed in and out deeply. You concentrated on blocking out the sounds of the forest, and focused on the breathing of your partner, Lucario.

You both had been training vigorously for the past few months, and you always ended your sessions with deep breathing exercises. 

Suddenly you heard Lucario's breathing hitch. You slowly opened your eyes.

"Lucario?" You whispered.

Lucario's head was turned away from you, off into the forest. Odd, you hadn't heard anything, but it seemed Lucario had.

"Grrcar.." It growled softly.

"What's wrong?"  You whispered to it again. You stood up when it did, and you both heard it this time.




You were about to run, but Lucario was two steps ahead of you and picked you up bridal-style. It ran with you through the forest, all the way to the Pokemon center just outside of it.

It placed you down on the ground gently and you both turned to the gigantic swarm of Beedrill coming up behind you.

"CRARRAR!" Lucario let out an incredible battle roar that startled the whole swarm and caused them to panic and flee. 

"Lucario..." You chucked in relief. It turned to you and gave you a hug, purring softly. "You're my hero, you know that?"

FML. I hate delivery people so much. It took 2 days longer than they said it would for them to deliver my new charger. To make up for it, I'll have multiple parts going up today on both books. Comment down there and tell me if you've had a similar situation.

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