Camerupt x Reader

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You felt your way along the cave's wall, not wanting to trip over any rocks. You hated dark, small spaces and caves in general, but this was the only place where the Pokemon Sableye was found. So you braved your way down and now you were lost. You sighed and slid down the wall. Your feet hurt immensely and you could barely see anything. You called on your Camerupt, it's fire illuminating the space around you. You were in a medium-sized passage, just wide enough for you and it.

"Raupt!" It said, standing by you protectively.

"Let's move on." You told it quietly. You didn't want to spook any Zubats. Making your way through the now lit passage with Camerupt at your heels, you reached a big open space. You told it to look for a Sableye and it wandered around, but not straying too far from you.

A few minutes passed before Camerupt let out a cry. You ran over to it just as it cornered a nervous Sableye.

"Alright, Camerupt! Fire spin!" You ordered. It obeyed immediately, successfully dealing damage and giving Sableye a burn. You threw a pokeball at it, hitting it in the stomach.




Gah! Almost had it!

Your hopes dropped as it broke free. It tried to flee the room, but Camerupt was faster and cornered it again. As you were running to catch up with it, you tripped and fell on your knee. You yelled in pain and Camerupt rushed to your side.

"I-I'm okay.." You said, struggling to get up. When you turned your head to Sableye, it was still trying to get away, but it couldn't get far because of it's burn. You sighed, knowing you couldn't catch it like this. "Sableye, wait!" You called. It turned to you and you held out a Rawst Berry.
"Here, for your burn."

Sableye hesitated for a moment, so you told Camerupt to take it to it. Sableye quickly ate it then fled.

"Don't worry Camerupt, we'll succeed next time." You assured when it nuzzled you sadly. "I'm alright." You had a little trouble getting up at first, but eventually you were able to half-stand, half-lean on Camerupt, who carried you out of the cave safely.

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