Best Day Ever! ~Requested

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"Omg I hate you so much sometimes!" I yelled at the screen, scaring Brandon. He dropped his phone and was now looking for it. "Jeez Ariana, always scaring me like that!" He said bringing his head upwards, his hair going in every direction possible. I laughed and turned off my console. "Brandon?" I looked up at him. He was looking down at his phone, probably checking his social media. He then looked to me. "Yes?" He said making eye contact with me. "Isn't today our friendship anniversary?" I said grabbing a piece of brown hair in between my fingers. Brandon grunted a 'shit' and quickly got up. He then raced out of the room and I heard the front door open and close. I groaned and got up to get ready. I pulled my hair back and walked to my vanity. I looked at myself closely. I decided to do a natural look today, not too much make up. But before I could do that I walked to my closet. I looked through all my clothes until I got to my favorite dress. It was a plain black and white polka-dot dress. Since I picked black I knew that I would be able to have a few things to match with it. I then went to my dresser and found a black bandanna. I got dressed then tried to figure out what to do with my hair. 'Maybe a pony then tie the bandanna, nah that would look weird. How about I curl my hair. Yep definitely curling my hair.' I then laughed at how stupid I sounded. I thought about how I'm doing all of this for a boy. A boy! Well he's not just any boy, he's my best friend. I've been trying to deny that I had feelings for him but over the years I've kinda just stopped. I stopped because it's true, I've liked him since when we first met. But now, no I don't like him, I love him. He's the one for me, but he doesn't know that. Anywhoo, I finished curling my hair and I am now moving on to my make up. I put on mascara, lipstick and a bit of eyeliner. I then put on my black flats and I'm finished. I heard the door open and I looked over to see Brandon. He saw me and stood there frozen. "Hey Brandon," I said getting up and walking to him. "A-are you ready to go?" He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. "I sur- wait one second!" I yelled to him while running back into my room and spraying some perfume on. I came back with a huge smile on my face. "Ready," I said wrapping my arm around his. I usually do this but when I did it this time he blushed. Weird, he never does that. "You feelin' ok?" I asked as we walked and got in the car. "Yeah," He said, pulling out of the drive way. We were on a dirt road when he pulled to the side of the road. "Here," He said, handing me a blindfold. I gave him a puzzled look but put it on anyway. "Do you trust me?" "What kind of question is that?" "Ariana, do you trust me?" "Yes?" I said it as more of a question than an answer. He took my hand and started guiding me somewhere. We came to a stop and he took a breath in. "Ok," He breathed out. I took the blindfold off and gasped. We were at the park where we met each other for the first time. I smiled as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. "Ariana," He started as he got down on one knee. "And I don't know if you've noticed but I love you so much, with all my heart. You're my one and only, my world, my beginning and end." The tears started falling down my face, probably making not clear but black streaks down my cheeks. "Will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" I let out small sobs and nodded. He stood back up and hugged me. We both pulled back but leaned in again. It wasn't for a hug though. His lips softly were placed onto mine. Our lips moved in sync and molded together like as if they were made for each other. We pulled away and smiled at each other. "Best day ever!"

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now